
You lost me at “your”.

English teacher moment: “hurtling,” not “hurdling.” Unless the plane was leaping over fixed barriers, which would use up all the little paper bags.

Are you kidding me? Get out of here with that bullshit. I can guarantee you it’s not the only experience like this they’ve had, and their careers would have been ruined had they gone public with it.

Shut up. It’s not easy for women to come out with stories like this. Reliving the whole experience is painful enough. Then actually talking about it worse. Not too mention that if you’re the only person, no one would believe you. We know that as a fact. So shut the fuck up. These people are survivors and when they

Are you kidding me? Get out of here with that bullshit. I can guarantee you it’s not the only experience like this they’ve had, and their careers would have been ruined had they gone public with it. Fuck you and fuck everyone else whose first thought in the face of blatant systemic exploitation of human beings is

I’m 54 year old. Tom Petty and his music have been a constant in my life since I’m 13. I’ve worn out his records and seen him perform more times than I can count. He never quit. He has a new album and just finished a tour — he never became a “play the greatest hits at the county fair” guy.

This is what white people do, everyday in large and small ways to PoC. They antagonize and antagonize and antagonize you, it gives them a sense of false worth to feel better than. It’s their whole persona, being “better than”. “I may be poor, but at least I ain’t a nigger!” White people are fully aware of the

No, it means he’s calling him a whore. I don’t know Stephen Colbert on a personal level, but I am 100% sure he’s not homophobic. Cool attempt to gin up controversy though.

Lunine told Gizmodo. “What are we waiting for?”

This type of response only encourages more idiot to behave this way with companies. The passenger was wrong to stay on the plane after he was asked to leave. Now the company gets punished for and idiot passenger and violent airport security (who are not their employees). Great! This is why America is so F’d right

Nah. It’s just a dog-whistle to his upper-middle-class base of white folks (I’m white, I get to say this, so nyah) to reinforce the idea that poors = darker folks and they’re pulling a scam on us pure-as-the-driven-snow upstanding citizens.

“they are just people that get drunk and say stupid things.”

So it’s like conservatism for wasps.

The RNC!

It feels like I’m wearing nothing at all.... nothing at all... nothing at all...

and when he’s not in the scene, all the other characters should be asking “Where’s Lando?”