
If black women stayed away from projects where black men were involved with non black partners we would have almost no entertainment.

I'm going to have to google Sydney Blumenthal.

looping back to his standard talking points.

I love his super secret plan. I'm changing my vote.

Still waiting for him to disavow the GOP.

Mistake and disaster.

her donors aren't running for president.

somebody should ask him about the wall.

Hilary Clinton is the devil. Seems to be his argument.

No plan just naming events.

He is going to lay his hands on her before this is over.

He has no facts. He has no idea what is in the Health Exchange.

I have 33k useless emails in my account.

Sick of emails.

The audience needs to get to ask this questions.

Oh dear he just said he was going to send her to jail.

Donald Trump has lots his mind.

This man did no prep work.

Bill Clinton not running.

everything is a disaster. Somebody get him a decongestant.