
I wonder if people would be so hype about this song if it was released without the video. The song is more Beyonce fluff. The images in that video have nothing to do with the lyrics of that song. Its a fun little song, but the harbinger off all things black and the voice of the BLM movement its not.

Prince isn't mixed.

Taye, nobody has a problem with your bi racial kid. Its only a problem when people look at him and thinks he is a black kid and you are insulted that no one recognizes the superior white genes running through his system.

You are useless.

speaking as someone over 50 who hangs with old people. We are stuck in the past. This is an intern approved playlist.

Why is he camping. There were houses on that island. Maybe Jr burned them all down.

How many black girlfriends do you this this woman has. I am going to bet zero. I bet she went around saying black women hate her cause she was light skin with good hair and blue eyes.

She is darker because she is clearly using some sort of tanner. Did you see her before pics. Very basic white girl. I mean extra basic, Miley Cyrus, Amanda Bynes basic.

Here is her wedding picture. Definitely crazy white lady.

I know you think your dog is special and would never hurt anyone. That's what they all say until something happens. You see this idiots on the news with pix of their dog sleeping with kittens and newborns, crying cause the dog just got put down. Your dog is old and the next time some body gets spooked he may react

Put a leash on your dog. They are all amazing until they aren't.

Cough *not a honky* cough

Well I'm glad some of you enjoyed it. I thought it was horrible from episode 1 to 11. I figured since it was eleven episodes and had a definite ending I would muddle through. I don't care if you don't always get the answers in real life. This is a TV show. Show me the murders. That's all I wanted in the end. What I

I don't care if Aubrey is guilty or not. I hope her dumb ass goes to jail forever along with the rest of the cast.. This is the most unlikable cast of characters I have ever seen. I read this mess is getting renewed. I hope they pare down the ridiculous piling on of problems.

There was no fight Zimmerman's injuries were superficial scrapes not even a centimeter in length. My theory Trayvon wouldn't obey Zimmerman and Zimmerman grabbed him and they fell down. George then finally got to shoot somebody like he always wanted.

You aren't eating real banana pudding. It is delicious.

A lot of people don't have HBO. I'm willing to bet more black people haven't seen the Wire than have actually seen it.

The number of Tyler Perry directed films that have made a 100 million at the box office is zero. ZERO.

Those Anonymous hackers are useless. They couldn't dig up any of his social media history? I believe,most likely wrong of course, there is a video of the actual shooting somewhere. In the age of world star, someone would have started filming as soon as they saw Mike Brown at the car window.

I bet the mom is a surrogate. Tyler Perry didn't have sex with a woman.