
We so need to finish the Black Mirror episodes this weekend... but we’ve found we can’t handle more than two a night, usually only one...

I didn’t need to listen to the podcast to hear that exactly the way Aziz Ansari would have said it.

“For a smartphone, this means the hacker would either have to steal the smartphone itself, or find a way of monitoring SMS messages almost real time, which is not all that much easy (unless you are the NSA). :P“

Just let your freak flag fly!

You win. Way to lob rocks from the sidelines at the vehicles people use to try to improve themselves. Are crossfit and TED perfect? No way. Can they be cultish and obnoxious? Absolutely. But attempting to do something positive yet flawed is better than than than doing nothing at all. Don’t shit on people making an

C’mon man, have a sense of humor.

I have this exact model. I use it quite a lot, although I have a rooted VZW phone with unlimited data, so I never plug it into an open RJ45 to use as a router.

I have this exact model. I use it quite a lot, although I have a rooted VZW phone with unlimited data, so I never

I have one too. Best laptop I’ve ever owned. People shrug off the advantages of the form factor, but it really starts to make a difference once you’ve used it.

I have one too. Best laptop I’ve ever owned. People shrug off the advantages of the form factor, but it really

Hey, are you selling those penis mightiers? I’ll take a dozen!

Just shake it off

You thought it was random, but every pixel of that monstrosity is psychologically engineered to subconsciously draw you in...

You just won the internet for the next hour. Thanks for the mid-day laugh :-)

You know what that means, right? Your admin is a Gizmodo addict... just like the rest of us admins.

You know what that means, right? Your admin is a Gizmodo addict... just like the rest of us admins.

Yeah, it does.

Yeah, it does.

So tempted to get that 29” ultrawide monitor for my work but with 2 monitors already, I’m not sure how I’d set it up on my desk...

So tempted to get that 29” ultrawide monitor for my work but with 2 monitors already, I’m not sure how I’d set it up

almost no one uses NiCD (nickle-Cadmium) or NiMH (Nickle-Metal Hydride) batteries anymore, unless they are for very specific applications where a LiPO battery would not be appropriate (like where they may be subjected to mechanical impacts, or extreme heat, or you need more cold-cranking amperage than you do power

There’s old NiCad and NiMH batteries, which had very different behaviors with respect to deep discharge and memory, but no one uses those anymore.

I am basing this only on random articles I’ve read across the web and things on Lifehacker, but I thought that...

Yep. Food might be the thing that makes me the most happy.