I was starting to wonder if people actually thought I was going through a break up. No worries, Tay Tay and I are fine.
I was starting to wonder if people actually thought I was going through a break up. No worries, Tay Tay and I are fine.
Can you elaborate? Why does it have to be with Cortana? I love that I can use Messages and type out responses for both SMS and iMessage. Will I be able to type using Cortana?
Which do I use for a broken heart? Thanks Taylor Swift :(
I have a 12” Macbook and have been thinking about ditching it for a Surface Pro 4. What are your thoughts (since from your articles I think we think similarly)?
See now this seems sustainable to me. Unlimited at a semi-decent speed... is it $50 out the door or plus taxes, fees, etc?
What’s a jerk? You!
Can’t... or won’t?
How does one download counterfeit Xcode? Open App Store. Download. ??
I have had two of those belkin models and as much as I want to carry them, I can’t. They are so obnoxiously big (albeit due to my expectations).
I wonder if there is a holdback until Watch OS2 comes out due to apps having Watch OS complications that can’t be released until it comes out.
Haha, thanks :) If I can bring one smile to the face of someone that I don’t know, well then, my internet life is made :) Rock on with your radical self!
You spelled “kid” incorrectly. It is spelled “girlfriend”.
What bug?! I am running Watch OS 2 and haven’t noticed any.... wait for it..... complications yet ;) HEY OH
The only way I could see this as feasible is if the friend *wanted* to do it because of the amount of money they were borrowing.
“Hey man, can I borrow five bucks?”
What level do I have to get to in order to get a girlfriend? What quest do I have to tackle to get the ring?
Outside of the Apple bash, I pseudo agree with your points. I really just want a thin, 8” tablet that has a great pen technology and battery. Bonus points for a file system structure. More if more adaptable for touch. If Microsoft launches a Surface Mini, you better believe I’ll get it. The experience isn’t as great…
Notability is great for app specific things but is far from usable in a business context. SharePoint shared Notebooks, integration with Outlook, tagging notes for summaries, etc. But yes, it is a good app just not robust enough for me.
Will the iPen... sorry, iPencil, I mean, Apple Pencil work on other iPads? When Microsoft updates OneNote, an iPad Mini 4 and a iPe... Apple Pencil sound like a great note taking device!
Shout out to the Anker E4 2nd gen because of the 3A output (which is the max of the USB-A to USB-C cable to charge a Retina MacBook). Amazing!
Shout out to the Anker E4 2nd gen because of the 3A output (which is the max of the USB-A to USB-C cable to charge a…