
Cool deal - I have the Anker E5 and the 3200 charger but am thinking about getting the new E1 charger that is matte black. Do you know if they are changing all of their items to the new design? I just ordered the hub based in your recommendation btw!

I just did the same in a different order actually. I think the keyboard in the SP3 made me like the Retina MacBook more. I had a rMBP, SP3, S3 and my now rMB all over the course of a couple months and have really fallen in love with the rMB despite it starting in last place for me. That may all change with the rumored

Honest question - do you really use both iPad and Surface? Why not just use the surface??

What usb power bank and hub do you use?

This. So much this. I fully agree. The iPhone 6+ takes good enough pictures while I travel. Even great pictures. The Canon 70D now just collects dust.

I honestly can't say enough positive things about the Retina MacBook - worth checking out!

Not necessarily; newer tech can run detection across multiple parses. The way my security buddy expert explained it to me was “Shazam for files” - it only needs to match part of a file.

I love Tumi bags, I really do. But their resale is HORRIBLE. eBay and Craigslist — you can get authentic ones for so very cheap. Heck, even Amazon.

I love Tumi bags, I really do. But their resale is HORRIBLE. eBay and Craigslist — you can get authentic ones for so

That is included with the “per smartphone” access fee.

Someone help me out here... this doesn’t seem that bad actually. 12GB of data shared with two smartphones is $120; that doesn’t seem bad at all! And one smartphone with 3GB of data is $65. I wonder if corporate discounts will remain the same (applied to the data pool...)

I disagree with this post!!! *forges lifelong bond with Melanie*

I just want someone to post something on a cheap way to get to Antarctica. Please. I want to see baby penguins hatch.

I see this as similar as a friend finding out about an affair and saying “If you don’t end it, I’m telling her.” That said, I wish our society didn’t have to come to a point like this to change behaviors.

I plan on living forever. So far, so good.

But it feels snappier.

Someone please solve for me how you say it?! La-croy? La-kwa? La-crah? I’ve heard all of them.

This, so much this....

Me too! If the Surface Pro 4 has an *actual* keyboard that adds some weight to it so I can reliably use it on my lap, then they will have to shut up and take my money.

Are there phone plans you can use to add 100 minutes that don’t expire? Or do I have to have a monthly recurring service?

“But regulations make it hard” I’d argue that other things make it hard. *rimshot*