
Don't you mean a D20?!

I demand customization of which type of coin I can use! Half dollar, Canadian Looney, Silver Penny, Pogs....

The best form of contraceptive is a fake name.

"To alcohol... the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems." - Simpsons

For the life of me it won't send mail. At all. I've tried everything from every website I could find... still won't send mail (retrieves it just fine!).

I try this in my relationships. Still single.... ladies?

I routinely set up two factor authentication only to always turn it off.... every. single. time. There are too many app-integrations that don't work well and it makes it overall very frustrating. (Mac Mail and Gmail... no bueno; Spotify and Facebook = issues, etc.) I love that the major companies are supporting it,

Spot on, ol chap.

Using some combination of all of these I think you can dismantle a weapon and build a boat to escape the island....

Thank you thank you thank you for writing this article. I feel like so many people out there who hate Apple (and I love Apple! and Google! and Amazon! and Microsoft!) may not understand the pressures these companies put on each other and (as you described) the impact on the world around us. Use a touchscreen? Thank

Ok, I'm not trolling I promise, but I have never understood the difference between a Chromebook and a tablet (or maybe tablet + keyboard)... Any insights as to the advantage of a chromebook?

Ok, I'm not trolling I promise, but I have never understood the difference between a Chromebook and a tablet (or

Oh but once you use one! Oh the joy! "Why does this card feel different?" "Well let me tell you..." Basically what I'm saying is I lack a good way to break the ice with bartenders.

Marriott Rewards Premiere and Chase Sapphire Premiere deserve shoutouts for being made of medal and you get to feel more awesome using them if you are easily excited by shiny things (read: me). Also, MRP gives you Silver Status every year.

Thanks for posting this. I was wondering how it worked. I have an Asus Vivotab Note 8 just for Microsoft Office but everything I own is in Dropbox. So, if I can ask a question... does that mean I could open something from OneDrive and just save it and it will sync to OneDrive and back to my computer? Also, do you know

Haha! Perfect!

I'm sorry Adam, but how can you call yourself a journalist when you have a photography Tips and Tricks list with no mention of how to use an iPad Camera to Instagram a Selfie while posing with Ducklips? Hrm??

Where is the "Why I'm a Mac Gamer"? Here. I'll write it. "Why am I a Mac Gamer? Because I ONLY FEEL ALIVE WHEN I CUT MYSELF! PAIN IS REAL!" Is... is that the only reason? "Well, I don't have antivirus slowing my machine down..." Ohhh, you sit on that throne? Well.... #goodscotchiseasytodrink

Ram? But I only have goats. #heyoh!

On a scale from 1 - Incredible, how would you rate your dancing skills? SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS ERRRBODY!

Can anyone recommend a good laser pointer / remote "clicker" that could be used for Mac or PC for presentations? I hate having to go back to my computer to click next and using a mouse feels clunky. Thanks hive!