
It's about $400 on Amazon, but yes, I do agree with your point of it being more expensive. However, I do agree with stre as well. IMO I think it is worth saving to get the IS, especially if you are fully zoomed in.

Or "self".

I would look for the one that is 70-300mm with IS (Image Stabilization). It performs significantly better and from my amateur perspective doesn't create as "soft" as pictures as this lens.

Tessa, this intrigues me.... go on......

Fully agree. When I was dating (married now, woot) I always hated the line "My friends come first and are #1!". It was like saying "Hey, you are already 2nd and less important" as well as "I have a clear a distinction between friends and who I am dating." Heck, even if you feel that way, don't say it, ya know?

So let me get this straight. There exists the chance you are too busy in real life to date (or it is your preference, etc. I get there are other reasons), so you are trying online dating. But then you realize you are too busy to even partake in online dating. How will you even maintain a relationship? If you are that

So many new (to me) and exciting Menubar items... What are all of those (besides Dropbox, I get that one...)

Maybe I can find my SOULmate..... A nice ghoul to take home to mom.

Iris simply being "reasonable" because of the packages you can buy where I can get a lot of toys (plugs, camera, thermostat, etc.).

I know it seems weird, but I really wish these monitoring cameras were much cheaper. I'm not sure why I can buy a webcam for $25 but one that I can access through the internet is $100+. Maybe I'm just dumb.

haha, really? That's awesome

Makes sense. And I just learned that the SIM slot on iPhone 5's is unlocked. I put an AT&T SIM in to mine and it worked fine. I guess that will work out well when I travel outside the country :)

So the guy who was a PC in every commercial only uses Apple products. iApprove

Based on the sheer fact I am lazy and that cakestapler did a great job of summarizing what AT&T does, how does Verizon handle international stuff?

Does anyone know if the software on the new kindle will be brought to old kindles? Google isn't solving this for me, so I rely on you, fellow awesome readers of awesome websites and presumably awesome eaters of Swedish Fish (because they are so damn good).

I used to get a lot of eye strain from ALWAYS being in front of screens (work: monitors, computers; home: computers, TV, iPhone, iPad Mini for reading). My eyes started getting a burning sensation from anything with light. I decided to try the Kindle Paperwhite and could actually read it without strain or pain. One

Quite possibly the best article I have ever read on the internet.

Not sure how that would work since it only comes out one way, unless I am missing something??

Is there a way to check if your laptop has this? Is it wrong to presume all newer laptops have it? I have a 2013 Air.

I heard these have issues with not "holding" the cards after awhile. Anyone know if this is true?