
We tried that at first. It happens if there is one thing in there, medium load, full load, sheets, normal clothes, any time. It happens every. single. time. and is extremely frustrating.

I had a Maytag washer that would always get the UL code (Unbalanced Load). After leveling it, it still happened. Advice: Just buy a new washer. 95% of the time it is the gearbox under the floating bin (5% of the time it's an adjustment to a bearing). Costs more to repair than to buy new.

You won the internet today with this comment, haha!

Love the articles Tessa! Keep up the great work!!

Get over yourself. The guy is trying to do something new. How this "offends" you offends me.

I hope this is a sign that Aperture 4 is right around the corner. I am an avid LR5/PS workflow guy, but I still like options/newness/competitiveness.

Ya, but does it run Crysis?

I freaking love it when I see comments on sites that simply say "Zing." It is why I love the internet.

Whatever. At least you can enjoy nice weather when you visit your grandparents! Source: I live here.

You forgot that you have to be wearing jorts if you want to buy them. Yes, I live here.

Articles like this make me hate this site. It isn't funny anymore. Jesus comes look going pedant on design. Ban hammers fly. Get back to core foundations, Giz. Tell me about gadgets and tech newness. Stop playing to your audience's whim.

Is anyone else experiencing WORSE battery life with Mavericks? I have a 2013 13" Macbook Air that on 10.8 was getting 9 hours (or so says the battery meter). Now I'm at about 5 hours. What gives? Halp!

So it is better for me to torrent the album and send $5 via PayPal directly to the band? Lesson learned. (Note: I would actually do that if bands had a direct PayPal account)

She has a small booger in her nose around the 2:00 mark. Win.

This should be a big Spartan "S". Just sayin.

Rock on with your bad self, Florida. I mean, home.

Is there a hardware specific way to check? I have a new 11" Air (which has been awesome, by the way) and I haven't really noticed any WiFi issues but want to make sure. How do I check? How would I know? Help me, oh gatherers of truth!1!

If it's great, great... but I really don't want anything associated with AOL... Which, as I think about it, is kind of sad.

Could you do one of these on a team, or start a team series? I'd love to know how various teams of 2-8 people work together and what tips/tricks they use and do. Thanks!

Just bought my new Air on Monday and I've actually noticed a lot *better* signal strength and speed from my very non-scientific testing.