
“You people”

Kindly go fuck yourself.

He was free to express himself. And he was free to get his ass kicked. The system still works. 

BBC is known for pounding its subjects hard and at great length

I saw how easy it would be, as a parent, to accept the idea that my children deserve healthcare and education.

tronc calls meeting with entire Daily News staff.

Pirro, a crazy bitch with Obsessive Clinton Disorder, should go back to Chappaqua woods and stay there looking for Hillary. Forever.

“ the double-shooting sleeve, late-stage Melo getup”

There’s just too much bullshit in such a short segment to unpack it all. To me, the most egregious line was about how she was welcomed into our country. I mean, Tucker Carlson and his viewers certainly don’t welcome her or anyone from her continent into our country. 

Well, seeing as the politicians themselves refuse to or are unable to curb their own criminals and thugs, it will be taken to the streets! Oh the horrors! Little Stevie can’t buy his tacos in peace while he destroys the rest of the world!

I’m currently putting up with a 12 hour stint in Twitter jail for saying “fuck civility” to someone who got mad at me for the heinous crime of doing a swear at them. What a glorious, glorious world we live in.

The irony of her dining at a “Mexican” restaurant is mind-blowing.

“Have some respect for the office if not the man!”

It’s ok: we all self-own from time to time. Today was just your turn. :-)

actually, the review is good

Kinja apartheid! Treated like criminal dirt! A stale permanent clique! TERRITORIAL SNOTLORDS!!!

No direspect to you, KC, but there should be 100, 150+ comments saying this already. The fact that you stand alone in reporting this common knowledge indictment speaks well of you, but terribly of the Commentariat.

Calling TO the worst teammate in the history of football is a huge fucking stretch, my dude.

Yeah, he’s in the same category for me as Bill Murray - the “Celebs That People Love But Are Actual Dickweeds In Real Life And I Can’t Understand Why Folks Like Them” category. Or, to make things easier, CTPLBAADIRLAICUWFLT.

This is less for Trump and more directly for our media to stop spewing the same both sides shit. By putting what he said in writing on their video no one can sound bite the part they want.