
it’s called muddying the message

Fuck off. Lol.

Yes he is.

Not the first time

I stopped watching football four years ago and you should too!

ideology makes the statistics mean something. Clintonites just refuse to acknowledge that their right wing ideologues. She essentially got primaried.

Your title perfectly sums up the trump presidency.

lol, fuck off.

Has His time has come or is this a contract tactic?

same. they were the most left some of us have been exposed to until 2016.

if you read letters from birmingham jail you’d know he’d view you and samantha as a bigger problem than trump and david duke.

so Charolettesville didn’t happen? Dylann Roof? Stabbing in Portland? Kid almost got lynched in NH. Kindly, fuck offfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

“we’re all capitalist”

he’s going to boycott it due to reverse racism.

Hillary and the entire Democratic Institutions just refuse to accept ANY blame. this is 10000000000000000000% Hillary and the democrat’s (awesome band name) fault. full stop.

I guess it makes up for the coup we pulled off.

this was def a test from leigh.

especially since the bear was black.

The question is why was here there in the first place.

gets injured then next day.