You’re goddamn rig-
You’re goddamn rig-
Took me a sec but damn, nice.
In that order: wife and child means federale’s golf game is the schworst.
No Number Pad!
Fuck you for exploiting your dead father to use as some sort of weapon to wield because Drew Margaret said something mean about a bunch of people you don’t know who are good at playing a fucking game.
Jesus. They’ve reverse engineered Jaden Smith.
Best Mom Of 2016
How suspicious that it costs about $40.
Curt hasn’t been this invested in a trainwreck since 38 Studios.
I openly acknowledge this in the video. Although I’ll contest the notion of “no choice”. They absolutely had a choice here. Intellectual Property protection via DMCA is not some type of holy duty.
He didn’t blame the software at all, and “buying a loaf of bread in the night” or “picking up my friend in the alley” doesn’t require you to walk around aimlessly, looking at your phone, sometimes walking in circles. Your bread buying, or friend searching, can be easily explained to an observer or they may be able to…
BECAUSE I ALREADY FEEL BAD ABOUT THE PUN HEADLINE besides, I know commenters would go there anyway :P
Vagrant Story is more beautiful than most games regardless of generation.
Everyone can agree that no material item is worth risking your life over. As the saying goes, hindsight is 20/20. In that second though, he made the decision to try and due what was right, a good and selfless deed. Which ended his life. So let him always be remembered as just that. A good and selfless human, willing…
You’re going to ruin my sick burn by revealing that I didn’t do Molten Core until we were all so high level it didn’t matter. Shhh. They can never know.
Nope, we’re selling TAY to Nabisco.
Thanks to everyone who keeps reading and supporting Kotaku. We love you all.
Oh my god, it could have been called WareHouse of the Dead.
Made me look and there they were, doggles. The doggles, they still do nothing though. ;-)
I am. You should be ashamed of the things you’re spouting.