
you are mixing up your stereotypes. the way the Piantas dress and dance and the way Wakka talks is influenced by Hawaii/Polynesia, so of course you don't dress/talk like that.

as a native Hawaiian raised on Oahu, i can confirm that adding a "yah?" at the end of random comments is quite a common thing.

professional racers train with gt. framerate can't be that horrible, right?

what was the initial cost of your pc? and from 2010? i think i might buy that before a ps4/xbone

one of the most memorable acts of violence i committed was in Heavy Rain. *spoiler ahead*

this gifcomment caught me way the hell off guard, well played


i'm not a very big fan of their inclusion either, and especially being forced to use them (mario golf 3d)

clever? do divulge.

praise the god of shrewdness that you would act so niggardly and then inform us about it.

i believe what he was saying was given the "fun factor" of your comment, that you are probably just as fun at social events as you are on the web.

i fell asleep each of the three times i've watched 300.

they still play poker on espn.

Mr Cody, your comment made this native Hawaiian's day sir.

infinitely better, you say? for seven years of technical advances in graphics hardware?

doesn't change the fact that you missed the point. project CARS doesn't look much better for being on hardware seven years newer.

the people questioning COD/BF hatred clearly are new to videogames and the console wars, nerd culture and how people need to protect their egos based on the stuff they invest in.

soooo... there's a half-evil pedobear in this game?

this is great news, because

a) r1/rb when on a bicycle to bunny hop.