i dunno, to me it looks like a big explosion, with middle-eastern style buildings being engulfed/ blown to bits. the flag is the force of the explosion. that's what i see, anyhow.
i dunno, to me it looks like a big explosion, with middle-eastern style buildings being engulfed/ blown to bits. the flag is the force of the explosion. that's what i see, anyhow.
naaah, i'm doing pretty well credibility-wise, thank you very much. by the looks of your comments though, you seem to take yourself very seriously.
there are far too many "diablo-esque" games for you to play offline without having to resort to the age-old practice of "fucking up the experience for the people who sell/buy the game". games like Torchlight 1&2, or maybe the first two Diablo games come to mind.
if they changed their name to something better than "Mad Catz" i'd take them a little more seriously. it sounds like a damn early-90's saturday morning cartoon rather than a company that makes quality products.
i thought that line had a pretty low effort:funny ratio myself...
nice to see purveyors of bullshit get slapped around every now and then.
never seeing master chief's face is exactly why this translates well into books, not movies.
spent a good sixty-grand styling out my character last night. made her about a third more powerful.
there are always going to be cheaters. blizz is doing the always-online thing partly so that they're much easier to deal with.
Diablo 3 runs on a closed gold and item economy. what you do on one end of that economy affects everything within it.
i hear you buddy. i'm not against violence myself, and i respect the right of an individual to do and like as they please as long as they're not stomping on toes along that path. i'm also not of the opinion that violent games have any more of a psychological effect on someone any more than a violent book or movie…
prolly cuz you don't live near me. ;)
i know right? over here, too... :(
good lord that was f*cking horrendous.
ha! i would double heart you if i could.
that movie always eventually leads me to one thought: nurse boob.
same here.
i don't own any of those games, but i have psPlus, so that makes this a big plus.
will do, then! i need to know these characters... i already see Mitsuru, Aigis and Akihiko and i'm giddy for them...
do i need to play P4 to understand the story of this fighting game? i'm only 4 months deep into P3FES, my first persona game...