i wrap my vita in saran wrap so i can play it at work in the kitchen.
i wrap my vita in saran wrap so i can play it at work in the kitchen.
aww. crap. i was looking forward to playing dragon's dogma. whatever, i have too many games as it is.
so... you don't think technology is outpacing creativity?
why beams of light?
i was seduced by the light.
yeah, price may have something to do with that. just because McDonald's outsells every other restaurant out there, doesn't mean their food is the best.
first of all, this is my good friend Mugen.
prolly cuz the 3ds isn't a very strong product.
dart your eyes around, wtf do you expect to happen with your spherical lenses?
i asked for this.
it's good to see zynga lose money.
i said earlier this week here that i wanted a "souls" type game on the Vita. hopefully this will satisfy.
i was gonna make a "hot coffee" reference based off the headline. then i realized that i'm an idiot.
all i can tell is that this whole thing smacks of non-racism.
i lost my shit when i saw that Dark Souls drinking game.
lol, i guess that's why when i took a look at what i had, i was compelled to explain why i have each game. :D it all just seemed to work out for me and those games timing-wise, seeing as i didn't have most of them and wanted to play them earlier on consoles (portability plus at least $20 cheaper).
i'll list the Vita games:
bought my 3ds at launch with four games, immediately returned 2 of them (MonkeyBall and Pilotwings). i re-beat Zelda 64 for the eighth time, destroyed StarFox 64 for the millionth time (then returned that one), downloaded a few cool games like Pushmo, played a few ds games i missed. and let's not forget Mario Kart 7.…