
ahh, yeah, that and a stand. i can see that working. i just wanna see it run shogun2 on high settings before i buy.

that song "Maneater" used to scare the living daylights outta me when i was five. I remember it clearly, Halloween 1986, sitting in the backseat of our car listening to that song while we drove to our school's "haunted house":

that is one funky batch of glitches.

how you gonna say that you can play any PC game untweaked when you ain't got no mouse an' keyboard?!

Stop Helicopter Piracy Act?

i have such a ridiculous backlog of games to play that i'm so glad i'm only planning on purchasing just a few of these games.

downloaded every Zen table available on PSN, because they are excellent.

yeah things like this game are hit-or-miss, but i've enjoyed many things that i never asked for. my surprise at my enjoyment only made the experience that much sweeter.

stock up on your d6's now, folks.

sorry, but, *omnomnomnomnom*

"Ultimately, if I was able to control the customer, it never would have happened. I've dealt with thousands and thousands of customers with similar complaints, they were all asking the same question. When is it big enough that it hits the news? When it hits Penny Arcade, when it hits a guy who has the biggest

Hello and Welcome to Gaming Culture.

"Hey, Paul, look up Mike Kru-ha-lik?... on Lycos..."

the Move plays very nicely with Killzone 3. i'm pretty average at FPShooters as it is, but once i got used to the move, my stats noticeably improved. but for the record, MAG didn't feel as polished with the move. i guess it's up to the developers to find their own "sweet spot", but in killzone's case the motion


i hereby declare today "PR rep appreaciation day".

ummm... no. the PR rep obviously damaged his company's rep with his bitchy tone and horrible grammar and spelling. you can't just talk to people like that if you're trying to sell untested shit like this... thing.

the longer i look at this, the harder i laugh.

nope, it sure don't because that's hilarious.

i see how the author left out all the demon's souls/ dark sould bosses. they'd take up a big chunk of that fifty.