that kanye west line slayed me.
that kanye west line slayed me.
i'm also pretty terrible at battlefield, and very average at fps's in general. I just downloaded bf:bc2 on my pc to get primed on bf3, as i'd never played a bf game before. i really like it! i grinned from ear to ear when i tried sniping a guy from inside a house and had the wall just explode in front of me for the…
sounds to me that OP has more of a problem with "broken game flow" than with bosses. the bosses are just the symptom to his underlying problem.
i'm referring to the not-yet-announced vita version of monster hunter that i'm pretty sure is gonna come out. i don't care how long it takes, it's gonna come out.
the only reason i don't want to buy this is because i wanna hold out for the vita version which should have online play. don't know too many people with a 3ds AND the patience to play MH. (i only had one friend to play the psp versions with). but guess what? i'm probably gonna buy it anyway!
i also can't stand The Eagles. nice to see i'm not alone.
Wynterwynd's right, you know...
"crown prince"... is he speaking engrish?
thank you and congratulations nintendo and capcom, you've just sold me a Vita.
i think i just splooged myself.
i got kicked in the balls for the first time last night. full-on booted by a guy who's coupon was expired and i wouldn't honor it.
do try safeway's birthday cake ice cream... it's very nice and cakey
glad you're okay. those assholes will get what's coming to them, believe me. now go forth, and kick the asses of arkham city's inhabitants!
yeah, level-headed gamers don't care about bullshit sales-wars between developers and publishers... they care about sales figures of seriously good shit.
"Why do all these games have to have turn based or semi turn based combat. WHY.
wish in one hand, and then shit in the other. if you really wanted to appreciate art, then you would.
because the world doesn't revolve around what you want.