


20 bucks plus a subscription fee? just to clickity-macro-clickity all day? nah, it's much more fun and inexpensive for me to just click on this retractable ballpoint pen for about an hour.

@The Standard Deviant: what, do they stretch? burst into flame? become rock hard, or invisible?

...and this is why i boycott activision.

@Kobun: yeah, but isn't that the entire point of playing through a game as fast as you can? to show off (to yourself or others) the patterns that you learned beforehand?...

@Kowl Slaw: haha, i thought the same thing. mine is the next day.

@KillaB43: THIS IS... pretty funny

@selderane: "I wear my biases on my sleeve, sir. I don't pretend to be anything other than what I am."

@Aibyouka-kun: "Does it hurt to make over-exaggerated claims for a commercial and fail to mention what standards are used?" it was a pretty good read, just wondering what you meant by this hurting.

considering the dearth of common knowledge for arceus, i'm sure ya'll can find a better link for the #1 pokemon...

you don't have to be a skateboarder for all three of those shots to look just wrong.

this hoedown looks like something that i wouldn't enjoy, but others might. pic number 4 in particular just makes me look downwards and shake my head "no"...

@PunkyChipsAhoy: wow, you didn't like it one bit? i'll always fondly remember my excitement playing the first skate and making videos and such... it felt the closest to real life in a video game. the third one took some warming up to, especially because i liked having a continuous city to mess around in; however once

"2) Game play will continue to change to the point where every game has social built into its core. Any game that does not have a strong social component will seem as old fashioned as a joystick with a single shooter."

i counted 3.5 chins. your count?

four player chuchu rocket was amazing... such a frantic cutthroat game. online was obviously 56k laggy, but nowadays it would work perfectly over xbla/psn.

okay, that's cool sega... but where's my lightning-fast ethernet-connected chu-chu rocket?

@Malenky: you're definitely right about the target audience. i can be quite a ScoreWhore too. games like Batman:AA's challenge modes and, well, pinball come to mind.