Spaghetti Lee

What's weird, though? It usually doesn't come from a place of mockery per se, from people who are saying "Ha ha you suck and your bands are lame" without saying anything else. It's usually people who like an artist but are so afraid of being made fun of for doing so that they couch it in this ridiculous apologetic

Has any female musician in an otherwise-male band not been accused of being fake, an MPDG, a pretty face just to sell the records, etc? No wonder some people think that 'female-fronted band' is a goddamn genre.

Yeah, when I saw that I was like "If this zillionaire pop star is a nerd, then who the fuck am I?"

Well, that's part of what I liked about the guy, so…

Fair enough. I'm far from a neutral source. I think even if you keep your targets anonymous though, it's at best a waste of time, and at worst priming people to lash out even when it's not anonymized. Like, even if you're reporting on people whose names are a matter of public record and who might be guilty of what

I don't know what conclusions you're worried I'd jump to. I looked up the whole article and it seems to be pretty spot on, but I'm probably overly receptive to "You're all full of shit, just shut up" articles these days than I ought to be.

"Every time you Wing, you get the Wong number." Oh Dahl, you card.

I think I just recently realized just how much of Gawker's output was "this random college student/teenager/wage slave did something objectionable, let's RUIN THEIR LIFE". I swear they have a new one like that every day. They really are the platonic ideal of the high school bullies who got rich and powerful enough to

are the rest of us just supposed to hold our tongue because otherwise we look like we are "virtually lynching" him?

Your thoughts about how every new form of media brought forth claims that it would ruin everything are duly noted. Kind of weird to think about, especially from Enlightenment-era figures you'd hope would have more common sense.

I hope that being against progressive politics as a fashion symbol is something everyone can get behind. It helps precisely no one. It makes your own arguments into stupid caricatures of themselves for easy Tweeting, it gives the bad guys fuel for their claims that liberals are status-obsessed idiots who don't know

I think it will decline in some ways and increase in others.

And we need to force Frank Miller to write it, at gunpoint if necessary.

Warning: tl;dr

Now I'm picturing Batman posting a picture on tumblr of him holding a piece of paper with some slacktivist thing written on it. "Reblog if you DO NOT support the Joker releasing poison gas into the public school system's water supply. #StoptheJoker."

That's like a metaphor for a totalitarian state or something. "The State guarantees all citizens the right to a trial, but if the trial goes unsuccessfully for the State, it has…other methods of pursuing justice."

I think the problem is that people who ought to be hearing the articles about how Josh Duggar is a hypocrite and an abuser are instead clicking on articles about how the liberal media is out to get him blah blah blah. And there's a zero percent chance that the people clicking on Gawker's "Josh Duggar is a hypocrite

The number of people who are able to combine "body-shaming is evil" and "fat neckbeard micro-dicked aspie" in the same worldview always impresses me. At least the MRAs complaining about fat women existing never pretended they were principled anti-cruelty fighters.

I, for one, am very fond of being curious and open-minded, unlike the rest of you fascist buttholes.

If they'd kept making those movies up until they got to The Last Battle…I am quite curious to see how that would have worked.