Spaghetti Lee

"You don't have the guts!…OK, you do have the guts, um…"

Jesus, Mace. He has a name, you know!

"You made Brett Bretterson up in third grade. He's not real."

"Three oinkers wearing pants, plate of hot air, basket of Grandma's breakfast and change the bull to a gill, got it."

Well, obviously. But I think the funniest scene has no dialogue: Kuzco's going into the kitchen on all fours with his ass swaying to and fro, and then that guy at the bar looks at Pacha and gives him a thumbs up.

From a different anime: "I guess it's an ear." "What kind?" "Cat, looks like."

"Computer over? Virus = very yes? That's not a good prize!"

A Pratchett suggestion:

Whose Line Is It Anyway: the Richard Simmons/jet ski skit. My face hurt for the rest of the day from laughing so hard.

take regulation of U.S. business away from the government and courts and
transfer it to a tribunal of international corporate lawyers.

I think it's one of those stupid inter-lefty culture war things. Who, stereotypically, sits around debating weird, highly philosophical alternative ways to run society? Rich white kids. And if you want to ruin something's reputation, just say that rich white kids like it. Even conservatives hate the first and third

In a vacuum, yeah, but say Clinton flames out for whatever reason; late enough into the season, who other than Sanders will have the infrastructure and the support? I also wonder how many people are supporting Clinton on the basis of "It's gonna be her in the end anyway". If it suddenly isn't, who does that crowd

Funny thing is, if it weren't for who said it, that "all human brains look the same" thing sounds like pure hippie talk.

Huh? The southeasterner corner is the most conservative part. It's all suburbanites who think Massachusetts is a hellhole while they drive there every day for work. Democrats do better in the rural parts of NH, especially near the Vermont border.

I think there's a good reason to be cynical about this even if you don't think they were Clinton plants (which I don't): it's not exactly deep-cut political science to realize that the US Senate can't really do much about municipally-employed police. Why not go after mayors, city councils and so forth? Because that

In theory, primary season is the time for people to follow their hearts and dream the impossible dream, as long as they re-unite to support the nominee. In practice, everyone's feelings are so bruised by the end that fake unity is all anyone can muster, and the same old fights pick right back up after election day.

What is "the whole e-mail thing" exactly? Seriously, I'm not sure. Using a private server for personal business? People do that all the time at their own jobs. I could be wrong, but I just can't see that becoming an election-defining flashpoint.

It's also possible that BLM-type groups could stop interpreting every remotely critical comment as "You're clearly too stupid to know what's best, good thing I'm here to save you". There's never been an activist group in history, no matter how righteous their goals, whose tactics or decisions are beyond reproach.

When I read Howard I have to try hard to avoid saying "fuck that guy" on impulse, because, well, he writes stuff that white liberals don't often want to hear, and will come up with various justifications (some true, some not) to discredit. That doesn't make him a bad writer—I think he's quite good by Gawker

True to an extent, but there comes a time when all the criticism-in-good-faith factions need to, y'know, unite and actually fight the enemy, and I think too many people in Liberal Faction A have talked themselves into thinking that Liberal Faction B actually is the enemy, and that the Republicans are some sort of