
Don’t forget the Supreme Court’s role in ruining Al Gore’s chance to be president. I think about the “what if” a LOT! We could have a president who actually cared about the environment and a 20-year head start on fighting climate change. He also wouldn’t have ignored the warnings about 9/11.

He’s probably as Italian as Snookie is.

Some people have more than one ethnicity. We should be making fun of the fact that he was born in Canada there for can’t run for President. 

This is good news, but how would this law ever be enforced?

Honestly this is one of the most wholesome ghost stories I’ve ever read


No I think she is onto something there. The reformed Trumpster rats that make it to the other side are a) men, or b) conventionally attractive and ridiculously overqualified women. Even then, the class b) rats are still likely to be up against some random and pervasive misogyny.

She seems pretty savvy to me. She doesn’t want to be part of the Right or conservatism, so she burned that bridge real good and with some flare (someone mentioned else here mentioned a particularly creative description of Jared Kushner.) And now she’s going to play the Left like a fiddle.

>“Stephanie didn’t have what it takes and that was obvious from the beginning,” Trump said in a statement.

Trump can not stop self-owning himself as the world’s most incompetent boss.   So many of his hires turned out to be garbage in his opinion. 

I mean, Sean Spicer works for Newsmax. That’s not exactly a rebrand or redemption that’s him going the only real direction he had left to go.

The thing about Spicer is that pretty much everyone who came after him made him look like a better person.

She’s absolutely irredeemable, but I will give her some points for the literary flourish in describing Kushner as “Rasputin in a slim-fitting suit.” I audibly guffawed when I read that.

Gotta love the “DoNt RuIn HiS cOlLeGe AsPiRaTiOnS” take.

He's identifying the client's class in the hierarchy.

that same tom cruisian ability to control their entire beimg perfectly except for the dead eyes

She said, ‘I don’t stand next to him because I don’t need to hold him up like she does. Can you imagine?’

What better way to say “fuck you" and "I don't care."

Redacted: Old truck. Still, he hit people while attempting to harm them. Arrest his ass at the very least. 

This kid needs a baseball bat to the knees.

If you’re old enough/judged responsible enough to drive a vehicle on public roads, you’re old enough/responsible enough to face adult charges for vehicular crimes.