
John 4:20 - “And so the lord spaketh thusly, ‘thou shalt act prickishly to thous whom doth not agree withst though. Money is thine lord, may it be forever in thou thoughts before all others. If thou receiveth the lord into thine heart, thou cup shall overflow with money, and thou yacht shall be of the most esteem in

At least we’ll always have the tuna video to keep us entertained

Wow that’s a lot of mental gymnastics. Let me try to digest this mess of an argument.

I have a question. I was recently taken on a pretty long detour that added about 10 minutes to what should’ve been a 15 minute trip because the driver took a wrong turn. I feel that we shouldn’t have to pay for this trip and told Uber this. They said they would adjust the rate to what it should’ve been ($17 instead of

Buying a 4K tv now is like buying an HD-DVD player back in 2005. Seemed like a great deal at the time. In the next year or so hdcp 2.2 will roll out and your 4K tv will be a gigantic paper weight. 4K blu Ray will not work with the current 4K TVs. Wait for the standards to finalize before buying these things.

I wonder if google’s machine learning api could be used to scan through all the satellite photography and look for other submerged cars. Someone should get on that