this sounds amazing!
this sounds amazing!
you just made the six hour trip to Grandmas that much more bearable. Thank you!
Some medicines are very toxic to wildlife, even in small doses. You don’t want that stuff getting into the environment, just like we don’t just pour out motor oil onto the ground its the same with the meds. You may think it’s OK, but enough people doing it and it becomes a problem.
Her stuff is the real deal, it’s too good, cause once they play that on the radio, all the other stuff, the new stuff, will be brought into the light of day and everyone will know it’s pop crap. Radios can’t do that. Not enough really good music easily available to them to fill the air waves.
I think the biofreeze deal is past. The site does not seem to have the coupon anymore.
I think the biofreeze deal is past. The site does not seem to have the coupon anymore.
Now what should be done about these kids. Well some knew and some didn’t. They can take a queue from Hollywood and give them a battery of tests as they did in the Rodney Dangerfield classic Back To School. If you pass you stay, if not you're out!
Bad pictures are boon to future generations. With all this Instagram and Facebook curation of images it makes the world look sunny and golden, instead of the truth, it has it’s ups and it’s downs and we just have to learn to appreciate the times we have. My aunt as a young girl took all sorts of pics, the family…
time to fire up the blow torch and buy some day old donuts!
you sir are a Hero. I am going to hit one of their stores up tomorrow and now with this info I’ll be saving myself some more money. Thanks!
you sir are a Hero. I am going to hit one of their stores up tomorrow and now with this info I’ll be saving myself…
I like to think he added it after my mention...
Hmmm...this can’t be right...It’s not possible that you left off the best one of the lot? I will survive by Gloria Gaynor?!?!
I think the Takeout is just jealous that they don’t have Taco Hats and they don’t know if they can get one...
You forgot that one thing about this guy, sure he talked the talk but the in the end he is white. And white people always disappoint people of color.
Growing up my grandma framed cursing as something you have to earn. Besides she saw it as a crutch for people who did not want to learn to use their language skills to the fullest. So that led me to be able to call someone one a lack-witted jack-ass or the prime argument against the horrors of inbreeding and when I do…
Envy Apples all the way. They just can’t be beat.
The Logitech G430 is always at $30. I purchased one before Christmas.
The Logitech G430 is always at $30. I purchased one before Christmas.
Back in the day when they had semi-adults in congress. A young hot-head by the name of Newt Gingrich came in and started to make a name for himself by delivering these fiery, excoriating speeches in the house chambers on the then new news channel C-Span. So in order to take the wind out of his sails, the then Speaker…
Menudo or Barbacoa tacos. That will not cure it, but it will lessen the pains and the pleasure from eating will lend a glow to the world that makes most anything bearable.
Speedsuit, the answer is always a Speedsuit
Why was she re-elected as speaker?