This guy is like “ULTRA-WHITE” Pete Davidson
This guy is like “ULTRA-WHITE” Pete Davidson
Now I just want to see if the Gamertag StraightKrillin is available...and there it went
Is the DLC for 4 crap? I haven’t touched it yet (waited to get Far Cry 4 Going Edition for $20) but I love the base game
As awesome as the gaming references/parodies are, as a Marylander I love the inclusion of UTZ brand chips!
I Prefer Gem Fusions
It's a great system, it got my non-gamer girlfriend into gaming a lot better than just about anything else...besides Portal
I need my Kevin Conroy, just like I need my David Hayter
Tu Tu RU!
When the hell does this start, I think I need this in my life...shaving a few years off is good cuz who wants to live forever
Midnighters was the reason I read The Uglies Series, It'd be nice to see a GOOD thing to come of it...and hopefully lead to MORE Westerfield adaptations