
I prefer this one.


Nah, you've proven that there are plenty of other 'domestic' jokes that can be made WITHOUT resorting to domestic violence.


We'll always have the comments section, spacetime. We'll always have the comments section.

HELL NO. 10 percent? You should have used the other information at your disposal (bacon cheeseburger + rabbinical school + phone number) to blackmail his ass.

That almost makes sense. I was about to ask "What the fuck is there to google about Thumb Wrestling?" So . . . are there actually rules online? Or is it just proof of how argumentative NJ folk are?

For me WH13 is the US Doctor Who(modern Who anyway) and modern Buffy. It's got lovable characters, it's got drama, it's got fun and excitement.

I hope they still come out with the H.G. Wells spinoff. Defiance, Helix, Dominion, and the other upcoming series are all pretty gritty/dark and I think there's still a place for a lighthearted series like WH13.

No amount of anything topical truly helped my acne (thoughI found most success with Arcona facial care), which was cystic, and cropped up after I had my son and my hormones went batshit crazy. For seven years I tried seemingly every home remedy, drugstore product, or organic solution. The thing that has made my face

Oooh or the dreaded "verbal tip." Whenever someone would start singing my praises, I could see my tip going down the drain. "You are SO good at your job!" "You're an AMAZING server!" When you first start out you might think that equates to a higher tip. Wrong.

Also, if she thinks those snooty college kids are judging her, it's probably because she announces she's a great tipper as soon as they introduce themselves.

" tip well, and I don't like being judged by some snooty college-student waiter just because I'm not ordering enough high-priced items. If you want a guaranteed salary you should change jobs. And yes, I waited my fair share of tables through the years, too."

Tried all that stuff. Pumpkin peels have worked.

When I had a very serious bout of cystic acne on top of the lifelong mild acne, I tried a number of remedies to end the agony. The thing that may have finally cleared me up - aside from leaving the panic attack inducing job - was cod liver oil, washing my face with only water and moisturizing with jojoba. This

Well, while I agree that it's unfair to assume that everyone who drinks White Zinfandel is an amateur, I think generally that indicates that someone isn't much of a drinker, and the drinks drive the tab up which increase tips - so for many people in the industry it's a useful stereotype to conjure up. But the rest of

The Expendables 3 ... How To Train Your Dragon 2...