
"Family Tighs"

They talked about it, but then I guess Defiance put the kibosh in it. But I would so watch that show!

The Royal Tenenbaums isn't fantasy in any genre sense of the word, but the Eli Cash spin-off would have him traveling back in time and affecting the outcome Little Big Horn:


Since the second half of Series 6 of Doctor Who kinda botched her character, I wish there were a River Song TV show featuring her as some sort of an independent space-Indiana Jones who's trying to get her professorship through violent and wily means.

I'll go make my own website to talk about stuff like which science fiction or fantasy characters deserve a spin-off. With blackjack and hookers! In fact, forget the website!

Firefly spinoffs for everyone!

Too easy.

a profound theology of the woman

OMG what if Taylor Swift WAS the countess? Imagine how ridiculous the scene before the wedding would be...

Nope, that's not my worst nightmare.

She is ridiculously pretty, it's just unfortunate that she has all the acting ability of plate of nachos. I had such high hopes for Smash.

I Am So Embarrassed For Him Because He Thinks He Said Something Wise.

She was in an episode of Drunk History and it was the best thing ever. (Also Lisa Bonet was in a different episode. Equally amazing. WATCH THE SHOW.)

Ummm, no. Black people don't have the patent on being oppressed by The Man. If you think that: learn your history. Chinese Exclusion act. Orientalism. Internment camps and the treatment of Japanese Americans in WWII. Vincent Chen. Open your eyes and look the fuck around you and quit playing those damn

Does Community count as genre TV?

Is it wrong that I really really want a Grimm/True Blood crossover spin-off where Monroe and La-La end up as room-mates in an implausibly large and fabulous New York loft? You know, like Friends but less prone to making me want to throw myself under the wheels of a bus.

You expect originality from something involving Michael Bay?