
It's less irritating (at least than the bible-thumping Christianity of the deep south). The bible-thumpers love to judge you and tell you how you are going straight to hell for your sinful (read: liberal) ways. The LA free spirits will judge you and may try to convert you to their ways, but at least they don't try to

I'm in LA and have been indoctrinated, I fear. I don't use commercial deodorant and I avoid parabens. But I still think my friends out here are crazier. I have one who visits 3 psychics and another who just told me she's an anti-vaxxer. And yet I still take advice from these women. Maybe that makes me the biggest nut

It's what plants crave.

Yep, same here. I always try to hide in the back row when that happens.

And why is it always a musical?

To this day, the only stress dreams I have are the server's nightmare and the actor's nightmare (being in a play but don't know the words/choreography) and the server dreams are always more stressful. I wake in a sweat and my heart is beating fast. I'm a lucid dreamer and I know it's a dream, but I swear even

And her voice! I wish I sounded like her. And looked like her. And could act like her. Can I just be Juliana Margulies please?

I was on a commercial set this weekend that employed a drone. The footage looked great and the DP was telling me that to get that shot without a drone would have required a helicopter and/or huge cranes (and a huge budget). Future technology! I actually feel bad for people who own and rent out cranes to Hollywood; I

My parents adopted a Molly from a shelter. Then they got an Annie. My parents aren't crazy about the human names for the dogs but they (the dogs) are too old to learn new names. (Although the same could probably be said for my parents.)

Right?! Pretty soon we'll be overhearing this at Barney's: "Do you have it in a negative 2? This 00000 is a little too big."

Exactly! I'm afraid to lose any weight or I'll have to start shopping at Gap Kids. As it is, I already have to get almost everything tailored (or wait till I can take it home to Mom over the holidays so she can alter it for me free). Neither is a desirable option.

You're probably right. And I could get behind your proposed system. In fact, it would probably work better. But it will never happen because that would mean that clothing manufacturers would have to make so many more different sizes to accommodate all the different body types. (My proposal will probably also never

God, I cannot express how much I hate vanity sizing! I'm petite and proportional and I can barely find clothes in stores that fit any more. I used to be a 2-4, now I'm like 0-00, which is fucking nuts! I'm not that small! Most stores don't even carry clothes small enough these days. I have a few friends who are even

Really?! Wow, I'm so jealous. My first time was super painful. And even now, years later, after many partners, sex can still hurt or just sucks. For me, often the first time with a new partner is awkward (but that could be because I'm hoping it will be like in a movie or something and it never is).

Just came back to say you were totally right! And it was worth the wait!

This episode and recap have reduced me to a giggling schoolgirl.

Now playing

I remember the pilot of Fringe as one of the scariest things I've ever seen on network tv. I'm terrified of biological warfare and outbreaks and plagues and all that stuff so it was right up my alley. I don't think I would want it to be much grosser.

I am so excited for Sleepy Hollow tomorrow!

Uber, I love your outlook on life. Never change!

The Japanese print ones are superb! I'll take one of each pleaseandthankyou.