Space Pope Stu

Fuck this game and licensing agreements. Worst thing to happen to gaming since micro-transactions.

The best thing about this game is interacting with other people.

Thats some good ol fashion advice there

console exclusives, particularly those using a much loved IP are LAME. (i own a ps4)

It’s a shame it isn’t coming to XBox One. At first I had accepted it because Insomniac was a Sony Dev, but now, well, now I no longer accept it.

Fuck console exclusives, PC’s, PS4's, and Xbones are all PCs! Let us all play together!!

Android 17 MVP.

“Mario, Mario, the Princess has been abducted!!”

Also, maybe this is crazy but... trading cards might be gambling too?

A 12+ game offering pornstar panties as a reward might not be so strange in a world where children grow up watching Pregnant Bikini Elsa Joker Spiderman Butt Injection Fidget Spinner Poop Markiplier Finger Family Fun Toys For Kids.

What I read, was that I play one of their games, and i get put up against bullshit pay to win players, until I decide to never play the game again, thus killing that franchise for me indefinitely. What I saw was that if it happens within the first two hours, that i’ll be asking for a refund.

“It’s the Circle... the circle of LIIIIIIIIFFFFEEE.”

“The first thing I’m thinking is there’s some pedophile trying to buy my grandson an Xbox,” Watts’ grandmother Saundra said. “So I’m like, I’m going to bust up in there and bust his bubble.”

the food here is terrible and the portions are too small

Samus Chozo Asylum now with Ridley Trophies!

Way to take that quote waaaay out of context to serve your personal point of view.

Many words have meanings that are socially-assigned, and they change over time. Examples generally come from common slang, like “rad,” or “cool,” or “sick” to describe a thing that is good—when the original meaning of those words meant

Let’s dissect this for a moment.

I guess you never questioned vaccination, just because doctors recommend it...

Many doctors -recommend a healthy dose of DISMISS for the treatment of trolls.

Hmm... What should I spend a cool grand on, this or a non-firing replica of the Blade Runner gun?

I can fap to both of them, so that’s not a tie breaker, I’m afraid.