Shane Broussard

No, it’s ugly.  

All auto manufacturers need to be consolidated and RUN BY THE GOVERNMENT!

That’s why the Yugo was the most amazing car ever made!

Who would want this? Why would a factory want to introduce a fuckton of complexity into their production line? Why would a tesla owner want to spend a bunch of money to have a refreshed version of their old car? Why would a jalop want to constrain the supply of junkyard tesla parts?

I love paying 70+ dollars (plus a monthly fee) to have the privilege of paying full price for year-old games that will—AT BEST—have mild amounts of noticeable input latency.

There are two problems with Stadia.

Where I live, funnily enough it’s the Mustangs that look nice and the Monte Carlos and F-body Camaros are the shitheaps. Even the soapbar SN-95s are well taken care of.

Also, I literally cannot use Jalopnik most of the time anymore. Images in articles aren’t loading, articles themselves are getting cut off, and getting

I regret that I have only one star to give for any Dune reference, especially a solid cut like that one. Salute.

“Since the system does not have to be opened up for any type of scheduled maintenance, there are no refills or bleeding required.”

No. Stance is dumb. Slammed is dumb. Lower it a bit to improve handling & fill the wheel wells. Dropping to the point the wheels are jammed up in the wells it looks dumb. 


Width is always more important than length. As my father once said(to my horror):

Can we address the bigger issue here? Can we stop with the recommended/recent videos auto playing on every single page?

What’s important to me is being able to open an article in Jalopnik without a video autoplaying.

Why not just say what people are thinking David? Seems like GM already has Jalopnik on their shitlist so you won’t get a demo car anyways. Motor Trend almost comes out and says it and they did get the car. I’ll go ahead and say it:

Just a side note: The auto playing video ads are really annoying. As someone who works in advertising and has had experience with rich media ads I can tell you they don’t work and its a great way to turn off users.

Is it just me or does the side profile look like a Mustang?

Leave it to Jalopnik to cry out for buttons when their isnt any, and explode when theres too many... w/e

Given everything we read during the BL3 pre-release, I honestly thought this would be the line in the sand for gamers. Just about everything coming from either 2K or Randy was this perfect storm of everything gamers have been trying to push back against over the past 5 years. Mistreatment of workers, allegations of

I think the fumbling nature of Destiny is what makes it hard to describe. It can be completely awesome at one step and then fall flat on its face at the next.