Shane Broussard

Fixed the title for you.  You’re Welcome.

Awesome looking and performing sports sedan....when its not broken and being repaired.

Sure it was.  And Kotaku is not a liberal rag.

Get a 5-gallon container of gas, pour it on all of the cars you have, and throw a match on it. It’s the only sensible option.


What is missing is an actual story, missions, and fun.

Why are videos of BigFoot, UFO’s, and other “things” always super blurry?

I’m ready for the auto industry to be over.

Or lets never remember this awful phoned-in movie “directed” by Steven Speilberg who gives zero-fucks anymore about directing.

Yay, no actual details on the grindy crap we will need to do.  Probably going to be bounties for stuff we have been grinding for the last 2 years.  Ugh.

Sorry but $500 or more is way too much.  And who cares about the hardware anyway.  It’s all about the games.

Judging by the fact this asshole was driving a V6 Mustang with a donut spare on the front left wheel, I would say his mental state was quite impaired well before being intoxicated.

Silver is just another gray.

Tesla is a fucking shit-show.  Keep eating their shit-sandwiches and smiling you fucking fanatics.

3.0 L V12 or nothing.

Jalopnik is trash.

No reason to ever buy a new car.  Save a ton of money and buy a used one.

Let them ALL go out of business.  Everywhere.  I have ZERO sympathy for dealerships.  From their outright lying sales people to the incompetent parts-shotgun departments, let it all die.

Modern materials and metal alloys means that cars and engines are way more durable than ever.  These higher power levels in this car won’t reduce engine life at all.

Or its actually quite boring and the same old bullshit.