
That track and field joke. Chris Rock is living his best life and I am so glad I get to witness it.

MSNBC made the decision last year that they needed to compete with Fox. The lower rungs were told that they were going to seek more “moderate” programming, but the upper rungs were already planning a Trumpalooza. I hope they fall on their face (except for Maddow, long live Maddow.) There’s already a glut of white,

Contempt of court for protecting the privacy of his users? You’ve got some strange definitions there. I’m not an Apple user, but I applaud their stance on this. The government will continue to overreach as long as we let it.

yes, so very tired of everyone saying Obama is a lame duck president. Not til November, fools.

To be clear there is no such thing as a “lame duck year,” that is Republican propaganda. One is a lame duck from the time their successor is elected to the time of their successor’s inauguration. Otherwise, TOTALLY agree. Fucking hypocrites.

Ehh I wouldn’t say you agreed me, I’d say you made a stupid statement that tried to make both parties seem equal and that is dumb, and you’re dumb for making it. Being 50% right doesn’t make you half right it gets you an F!

I’m also correct, so there’s that. One side is doing it’s job, as defined by the constitution. The other side is just plain making shit up to rationalize being obstructionist. One is governance, the other is politics.

My favourite part of your comment is how you’re trying to equate Obama doing his job with the republicans being willful obstructionists who invent constitutional interpretations out of thin air.

Here’s the thing, journalists could actually do their damn job and fact check republicans when they make claims that there is no precedent that a president in his last year in office gets to nominate a supreme court candidate, instead of asking the question like it’s a legitimate idea. I am sick and tired of

And people wonder why the country is so fucked.

A presidential campaign in now about 2 years long...and mid-terms...its as if after winning the election you have 6 months to get something done before everything must stop for midterms then about a 2-3 month gap and onto the next presidential election.

For me it comes down to this. If you are going to be dancing and taking pictures when you win then you have to be gracious in defeat. That simple move, to come out with class and tip you hat to the winning team would make all of his antics look like someone who loves the game having fun. But his attitude after a loss

I tried really (kinda) hard to care about this whole thing. For some reason I can’t muster the level of outrage Alissa can. I’m more pissed off that her greedy, capitalist bosses at Gawker offshored their company to The Caymans to avoid millions in taxes. But hey, they’re lefties.

Energy companies putting hard earned money to work lining politicians pockets to make sure they are left alone. This is called small government, no corporate oversight but lot’s of personal freedoms invaded.

The industry “self regulates”. So, don’t worry.

Iranians are white except when it comes to terrorism related topics. Then they’re all middle eastern terrorists.

Spelling and grammar?

Besides the spelling?

As a sixth generation Texan, please shut up. People like you are why the rest of the country laugh at us.

Do you know how many skaters smoke weed? Balance/being athletic and being high are 2 separate things.