
I’d love to see a car ad piece that uses the Captain Obvious model of exposition for everything.

Interior Steering Wheel: Standard

I do believe you missed his sarcasm.

uh.. name one racing series working on anything more advanced than 358 CI V8s, WITH ELECTRONIC FUEL INJECTION, mated to 4 speed manuals, I’ll wait.

This just isn’t true... Lock the door with the I-Key button on the handle then pull on the handle to confirm it’s locked. Pretty simple.

yeah man I once saw a guy get stabbed to death with nothing more than the key to a 1981 Cutlass Brougham and a 9" Bowie knife

It used to be for minimizing glare while racing... now people that do this just share a trend with school buses.

What an honor. I mean... I have no stake in America after I retire next year seeing as I’m Canadian/Italian. But thanks anyway!

And we’re back to Cohen leading in the worst lawyer ever Olympic. Giuliani will need a strong showing in the next round to take the lead.

I’ll reserve judgement until after I hear Rudy Giuliani’s statement on the matter.

The sad thing is that this is the 200th time this particular groundhog has died this particular way.

Neutral: We’ve all known since we were kids that Diesel was the bad guy.

Univision Is A Fucking Mess

This is the story of how corporate raiding, complacency, excess, and incompetence are gutting a media company that

Seek help.

But then who saved the day?