
My predictions though, for drivers accompanying Gordon for the Championship bit at Homestead are the Busch brothers and Truex, with Truex taking the championship.

I love how they suspended Kenseth until the last race of the season...

Patrick, not looking for spoilers, but is Christoph Waltz as good a Bond villain as I’m expecting him to be? Going off his Tarantino movies, he would seem to be the perfect choice.

Is this so you can now not only tow the Space Shuttle but also the entire crew with one vehicle?

Bad? You’re Jalopnik’s Hungarian Stig Cousin.

It’s now official. Jalopnik YouTube videos need more Máté.

It’s on to you now, Demuro.

Great minds...

I just bought a Juke and that paint scheme is tempting...

I would have much preferred it based on the ever lovable Yoshi...

Always a pleasure to meet royalty on Kinja, Your Majesty.

Kenseth said his right front went down...and apparently in a very convenient place.

MarseHat? I’m just due north and all in favor of closing the border.

We got ourselves a 9% meals tax in NH at least, so there’s that.

That was a great race up til 5 to go...then WTF.

If you ain’t first, you’re...well...42nd apparently

If you happen upon a 31 spline Ford 8.8 you plan to swap in, I’ve got an Aussie Locker I’ll donate (holy crap, I wrote that a year ago to the day). It’s currently in my truck and working great...apart from the fact that after 60k miles of daily use my pinion bearing is done. I’m just swapping in an open diff or an LS

Do it!

Because...hell...your guess is as good as mine. Where I live they run a mix of salt and sand. I have no complaints with the sandy bits.

Ha, yeah, I have a 92 and a 94 here in NH. It would be magical if they were aluminum...and much cheaper.