Now pondering how much power that 1 liter, 3 pot ecoboost that fits in a briefcase could possibly make...
Of course, remember to keep the amounts used well-below poisoning-level dosages — poisoning her won't really solve anything, and it may be illegal where you live. Check your local laws.
Maybe this is some super hard LineX like coating, but of course, a sort of carbon fiber like concoction.
I gonna give this a try tomorrow, my Kershaw Leek is due for a touch up.
That is clever. Is he going to paint it up or rock it as is? Either way is fine in my book.
It may be the alcohol, but the images in my head of an Exploranchero are downright dead sexy.
Not even remotely the same thing anymore.
KTM seems to be getting closer and closer to making a production (daily drivable) sports car, a sort of Elise type vehicle. I like that.
The late 90's F-150 makes a little more sense after seeing this, doesn't it? You can tell then-Ford Trucks Design Director Andrew K. Jacobson was really pushing for sanding down the truck's hard edges, and I think his style translated pretty nicely into production. The tenth-generation F-150 looked great all the way…
That right there would quite possibly be the most 'MURICA thing ever.
The guy who "got one just like that in the garage at home, but" it's better than yours in some way.
Add fake engine noises and a coal stove for that stylish and sooty black smoke, mended.
Exactly! Wouldn't need to load with expensive sand bags during the winter months too.
I'm actually surprised no one has produced an EV truck (apart from a few s10s and rangers).
Odd thought, but how bad ass would a Flex performance model be?