So You're A Tiger Now?

I had completely forgotten about the R. Kelly thing. I don’t think I ever knew Terry Richardson was the director. Unfortunate.

J.M. Barrie gave all rights in perpetuity to an entity known as the Great Ormond Street Hospital in the UK.

I don’t understand this. Other than just being practical - you know you’re going to be asked about this guy, why get involved in the first place, especially now? - why would anyone want to be around this man? Lady Gaga in particular has talked about being a sexual assault survivor. I wonder if she just didn’t know.

I don’t know a thing about fashion but I watch for the same reason. It’s crazy to me that a piece of fabric can turn into clothing. It's like magic.

I watch it but Alyssa Milano seems like such an odd choice, and I have never connected with any of the mentors.

I like Heidi though I admit it could just be because I’m used to her hosting and I don’t like change. The All-Stars seasons haven’t been great, no. Haven’t they brought back the same people more than once? They must be having trouble atracting former contestants. They should focus on the original show and PR Junior,

Ooh, was that the woman who had red hair and always wore black dresses? I didn’t know she wrote for Salon.

Well, now I’ll HAVE to watch it.

Project Runway without Heidi and Tim? Nay, I say. Nay!

I guess they must have talked at some point because there are reports that he accepted the job. It worked out for everyone in the end.

Maybe I’m reading too much into it but I didn’t love the tweet. Tyler Perry could have extended the invitation privately; this way it feels like it’s done for praise. It’s great that he offered the guy a job, but if it was only because he was working at a store, aren’t plenty of actors? And if it’s because he likes

Maybe he did the teeth-pulling. Adora's probably not strong enough.

Are you kidding me?!

What?? This girl is a superhero.

I’m so sorry. I hope the children have someone taking care of them and that their father is in prison. That’s a horrible story. How do people even defend someone like that? “What he did wasn’t right but she wasn’t a saint either”?

Yeah, what does that even mean? She’s more communicative than other profs? Cool. More handsy? Ew.

I know. Don’t tell them that, though, because it’s not the same, somehow.

Ugh. Enough already with the damn “this person has done a lot of good, therefore they could never have done anything wrong” letters. I can understand it’s hard to accept that a friend or idol might not be who you thought they were but keep your thoughts to yourself.

I tried watching the first episode but couldn’t finish it. Recently I noticed there are all these glowing reviews out there, which ordinarily would make me want to give it another try, but there’s way too much good TV out there and not enough hours in the day so meh.