Soylent Green is Burners

If it looks wrong to you, then don’t wear it, but ties with short-sleeved shirts are classically correct. In the era before common, powerful air conditioning, men often wore short-sleeved shirts to work under their suit jackets, or with just the tie. There’s nothing wrong with it, and it can look quite professional,

The tip of the tie can be anywhere from just breaching the top of the belt buckle to completely below the buckle (i.e. the corners where the tie turns in to the form the point are even with the bottom of the buckle). Where the tie falls relative to the buckle is going to depend on how your pants are tailored, how

I continue to be baffled by the frequency with which I hear people exhort the Windsor (single or double). Four-in-hand is not only one of the easiest knots to tie, it is also easily the most versatile. Asymmetric knots are also just classier looking. You can almost never go wrong with a four-in-hand; Windsors, on the

American health care is not “dead last,” and in fact is probably the global leader in cancer treatment. That said, the system produces results that are in line with, or somewhat below, average for industrialized nations, while costing orders of magnitude more. The system is also notoriously bad at serving high-risk

I really think we need to evaluate the illegality of theft. I mean, how many people have actually died from having their property taken?

I love old American cars but that looks like the car equivalent of a retired Drill Instructor slightly gone to seed with a bad combover.

You drove 60 miles per hour for 24 straight hours? As a road trip, and not some kind of endurance race?

So they stole a bunch of Ford Fusion hoods and called it a day?

This is true if you’re flying domestic, but there is no clothing that is comfortable on a truly long flight, only clothing that is less uncomfortable. If I’m on a short flight, sure, I’ll wear the suit. If I’m on a flight longer than 7 hours, I’m going to be wearing the closest thing to pajamas I can legally get away

I am deeply disappointed that they kept the “Jeep” badge on that instead of making a new badge that read “JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP”

I swear the first three times I looked at this diagram I assumed that the blue arrow was “BOOST” and the red arrow was “SEX APPEAL”.

Because it bothers him and that’s a good thing because he beats women.

If that’s true, he is financially retarded.

Same oil in it and everything.

“delay her next pregnancy”

I wish I could give this more than one star. 49 more, to be precise.

Why did you post two pictures of Honda Accords?

You mean a tholl?

So very, very though.

We can stick giant, naturally aspirated V8 engines in everything with little regard for suspension, chassis, ride quality or other effete, European concerns, and then produce an aftermarket primarily aimed at making those ridiculously overpowered engines even more powerful.