
Honestly, I hear more people whining about how bad the Millennials than I hear Millennials whining about anything. But, maybe it's because I am one of them and I choose to take my friends fears and concerns about the future as a reasonable emotional reaction to what IS actually happening to us. All of our future

I have this too. I also need to have my blood drawn by an actual phlebotomist or a nurse that's had decent training/experience in phlebotomy... if they have to poke around with the needle to hit my (super easy to find) veins then there's a major problem.

Seriously, my dating range right now extends from about two years younger than me to maybe 6 or so years older... the lower limit is mostly related to not wanting to date someone still undergrad aged - because of the whole values/lifestyle thing.

I don't really get how claiming someone has an ED or uses drugs isn't triumphant becasue you've identified someone as living wrong. Calling someone too thin or too skinny alone definitely doesn't hold the same weight as calling someone too fat, but I don't see how making comments about eating disorders doesn't begin

When you're "too thin" you can't eat a hamburger in public without being judged. During my "too thin" days I explicitly remember overhearing people making comments on how much/what kind of crap I was eating and speculating about having me having an eating disorder. I'm not going to say it's even CLOSE to the same

That's pretty bullshitty, the whole thing about menstruation at 17% - many, many athletic women fall between about 13-17% body fat - and (shockingly) many of us menstruate regularly. I fall at 15% and I'm not even a SERIOUS athlete - I'm just big into running/yoga/rock climbing.

Both of these issues - you're coming from your own experiences.

I know quite a few people that boast about consumption of terrible food.

(in my opinion) the only ones that are "dumb" are the ones that don't directly impact your health, anti-aging creams/special shampoo/visible panty line.

I'm not new... and I totally didn't find it funny.

Intermarriage wasn't horribly uncommon, even among the good ol' boys. My white good ol' boy family claims Choctaw... but we also have marriage records and a bunch of random Choctaw names that have been in our family since the early 1800s. Obviously, it's long since separated and we have no tribal linkages/claims to

Yep! I have loose ringlets if I air dry (carefully) and my hair is pretty dang straight if I do a blowout. I believe (not an expert) unless you have kinky-curly hair it's pretty easy to get the texture out using limited product.

Thanks for actually understanding the issue rather than having a knee jerk reaction that's not fully based in a (not so secret) reality.

Friends don't have to agree on every single thing, even something as "major" as this. As feminist as I might be, it's not like it's an incredibly common (or my favorite) topic of conversation with my friends. Who knows, maybe they bonded over... you know... being young females and in the spotlight?

My OB-GYN ok'd use of my Diva Cup with my IUD, you just have to make sure you "break the seal" before you remove it... but I've also only needed mine 3 times in the year I've had my IUD.

As someone who is 5'2", so it's still pretty easy to maintain the guy-taller thing even with some shorties... I've only ever met one guy under 5'7" that was "acceptable" dating material in my book - and it was all personality related.

Wikipedia doesn't use HTML, if you've ever actually looked at the editing system it's only a bit more complicated than word processors - which yes... this rules out anyone that doesn't want to put forth spend a little effort figuring out basic editing. Edits do not automatically need to be approved except on articles

Not all hairstyles above the shoulders are bobs... just sayin' ... but I guess you can't be blamed since the original writer doesn't appear to have a clue either.

She's making the best of a bad situation. When you majorly damage your nose, returning it back to it's former glory isn't always the easiest thing - it seemed like she was totally happy with her character before.