Soviet Orelius

Thank you for the correction.

’ve been playing Eve for 13 years now and to be honest; this is just part of the game lifecycle. I’ve been in this situation a few times; space you’ve held for a year with upgrades; moon mining etc and you lose it or maybe you take someone else’s space. It’s part of the experience of the game, and because you can lose

Yes, Netflix pays for it, at I think about $8-10 million an episode and then gets to stream it globally. 

CBS is in the middle of a massive lawsuit over Discovery, along with a lot of the funding changing over for Season 2 which is why they are trying to pull out all of the stops to draw in Star Trek fans. I don’t think it’ll last past this season.

Also, when you adjust for inflation the new Star Trek films budget versus

I’m one of those #Clockblockers who contributed funds, wrote letters and emails, and constantly tweeted about the show. I’m sad but happy and hopeful for another network to pickup Timeless even for a limited summer release.

Man that breaks my heart.I was living in Providence around that time too. I don’t really mind the war dec system as I just stay out of the way whether it be W-space, or just low sec. I’ve done four large scale 0.0 wars and it’s grinding and really killed it for me so I went back to low sec and just kick it there. No

They aren’t sending their best and brightest. They’re sending rapists and murders. Don’t send him to Ohio; we have our own issues as it is.

It’s been a little rough for the last few years. We started closing Bendel stores a few years ago and it’s been a little bit an of a challenge growing the market share. They cut a lot of headcounts and made lots of changes to try and stay with the market. Out of all of our brands, it’s my favorite, to be honest, and I

I never watched the film for part of this reason. My favorite Viola Davis film is still to this day Solaris.

I honestly would have rather seen Michael B. Jordan take on a role from a film around a Milestone comic character like Static Shock or Icon. I don’t think he has the look, or innocence to project the Superman image on a screen. Casting Michael B Jordan as a new version of General Zod ...

I say this... “yes, many Africans sold Africans from other tribes into slavery. No one forced Europeans to buy them; transport them across the ocean; insure them as chattel; setup markets to sell them; establish laws to disenfranchize them; and more. For the supposed enlightened and advanced people of Europe, they

I was pretty disappointed to see Happiness on the list and not Dark City. Happiness is an immensely depressing and disgusting film with very unlikeable characters...

This is why I already rode the Subway :P Green and Red Line for real. Takohma Park or Silver Spring depending if I was going home or to City Place to hang out.

There are a lot of things going on in Ohio and voting Democrat because of Trump isn’t going to fix them. We’re in the middle of aggressive gentrification in Cincinnati and Columbus; murder of innocent black men like Tamir Rice, John Crawford III, Samuel DuBose, Henry Green; corrupt city and state officials ; scandals

I appreciate the response and personal experience you shared. I look at the progressive movement as not tied to Our Revolution or Bernie Sanders but something that’s part of the black tradition of politics. We have many more examples of black progressives or revolutionaries that effected change like WEB DuBois

I think you’re painting with some pretty broad strokes as most of what you mentioned as not being concerns of progressives, have been regularly discussed as central issues in progressive platforms. Progressives either Independent, Green or Democrats have discussed criminal justice reform, stopping interventionism and

The timing of this article on the Root is telling especially with all of the bad press about Nina Turner’s leadership and lot of recent departures from the organization. I think it’s good the article referenced some of that, but it seems strange that it’s highlighting Our Revolution and Nina Turner now.

This deal needs to be squashed. It’s nearly a monopoly and means it’s impossible for any other studios or films to try and break into the summer market without going to a select few companies for distribution and more.