Soviet Orelius

If she sells the painting for charity, she can use it as a tax write off. She’s donating it to charity who then sells it, and likely she’s on the board as well. Art is a common way for the rich to shelter funds and/or make donations and investments that aren’t easily taxable.

I actually watched Sometimes A Great Notion and it was heartbreaking at the end. The Lee & Duala scene just pretty much broke me.

I pretty much never go past the end if Season 3 and The Plan. I am a huge fan of this show but have actually never finished it because I saw two episodes of the fourth season and knew if I watched any more it’d ruin it for me. I normally end right around Exodus Pt2 and that’s it.

I missed the part where the OP revealed his political ideology. In that same manner one could assume you’re a liberal too since you didn’t identify your own ideology.

And how do you know they haven’t talked to the family or are using their network to help provide legal support? I’m seriously asking because as I’m sure you know, the NAACP does more than march in the streets and sometimes their work is more behind the scenes in connecting the dots, raising funds, and supporting

Ahhh my hometown in the news again. The place I left so many times but always ended up coming back too... Well at least to finish school. I’m not really surprised as the city cops are terrible and a lot of Sheriff deputies are even worse.

Got to my first duty station and was there for less than 3 weeks. I came in with 5 other people who were in my class at AIT. Random piss test, and two of my fellow classmates popped hot. One, a nice country boy, white, who was mediocre at PT, and looked like a soup sandwich in his uniform. Two, black troop from

They’ve already been doing that for years. China, in a very calculating move, has been bumping billions into Africa for development, infrastructure, business, travel, and more with some areas actually teaching their kids Chinese along with English so they can get jobs in Chines mines, factories or travel to China. http

They normally don’t really go on a PR campaign. It’s the locals that draw attention to it unless it CAIR which is all about PR. A lot of mosques low key raise funds all the time and donate them to local initiatives and families but don’t call press conferences for it.

It’s a fact. It’s because most liberals aren’t really allies and only can engage when it affects them or engages someone that looks like them... References: Viola Liuzzo, Andrew Goodman, Michael Schwerner, the lack of support for DC Missing Girls and much more. With that being said, these men are heroes for getting

Different on a few levels. First, that statue was removed only in Firdor square and the dude who started taking it down regrets doing it. Saddam’s face and statues were still all over his palaces and everywhere so it was only the large single statue that was torn down.

Over time you’d see some Iraqis destroying murals

I had a discussion with someone the other day and it went like this:

Friend: “taking down the statues is erasing history. Our kids in the future won’t know the history or story of what happened.
Me: “do you know who Adolf Hitler is? Do you know who Pol Pot is? How do you if there are no statues of them everywhere?

I wish the NBPP would go away. They are dishonoring the memory and the work of the BPP.

I’m just waiting for another Arab-Israeli war really. We’re arming both sides so it’ll work out well for us.

HAHA. I’ve seen them all. Bought them all at the PX when I was at Baghdad International Airport. Not going to lie; the day Season 6.2 came out on Amazon I bought it and had it shipped to me. I’m a huge fan and I recommend it to men because it’s basically a “how not to be an asshole” guide for relationships.

The answer to your question is found in former officers who become activists. They system itself corrupts from the top down. The culture; the language; the training all sets up an environment that reinforces the existing culture.

A better example is this... does someone enlisting in the military change the culture of

I was about to comment about Blair Underwood so thanks! Miranda got her swirl on after fantasizing with that Mimi show.

I also love Sex and the City. A bunch of us started watching it on deployment because there was a shortage of DVDs and one of the female NCOs had Season 1-5. Imagine a bunch of dusty soldiers sitting

A Science Fiction show on Fox? Get ready for 13 episodes aired out of order and then cancelled before it’s done.

I hated this film when it came out and after buying the Quadrilogy on DVD back in 2004, I fell in love with it. The Assembly Cut, deleted scenes, and behind the scenes featurette completely changed my viewing of the film and added enough information to explain some of the strange things in the theatrical version. The