So verybored

I had to sit thro the torture of the dam once. One of my neighbours started to blast that song She Will be love. God the lead singers falsetto is one of the worst I have ever heard.

Or just have the better, funnier Queens guest voice on RiffTrax. It would be cute to see them interact with the bots since they too have dressed in drag from time to time.

I really don’t want to see another All-star season. In a year or so this show would surpass Project Runway when it comes to All-Star seasons. It is overkill having two seasons a year is killing the brand.

They should make over shy women who are not really into dressing up and putting make up on. They can give them make up tips and help them come out of their shell. I guess this was what that failed show Drag U was about.

Just think to yourself it’s just a show and maybe you should just relax.

You know you could still eat junk in moderation. I haven’t gone vegan or vegetarian and I have lost weight. 

Finally a lip synch song that is sung by a man that’s not Ru Paul. I recall the only other one being Sylvester. Now do a Bowie one.

Of the ones I have seen yes. I really have only watch a couple of movies from 2018. Way better then Bordma.

 I work retail and we constantly get calls over the intercom about lost children. Sometimes I have to walk a sad afraid child over to the recpionist because a parent was not paying attention. Thank God we never had a actual child go missing. 

So basically White. This is what i say every time someone asks me what race I am. I just don’t want to get into all the percentages. I have brown hair and brown eyes and I live in California so alot of people mistake me for Mexican.

Up intill Daredevil Charlie Cos always played characters with bad hair. I think they slapped that wig on him in The Theory of Everything too make him unattractive. 

I notice that too also cool that they Don’t have commercials during movies or documentaries.

Why the only good Indiana Jones movie is the first.

Why Didn’t Nicky just grab the kid and jump out of the boat holding him. I know he was high but the kid did not know English so what was the point of telling him to get out. Also part of it was the kid’s mothers thought for not watching him and telling him not to go with strangers. 

Thank God his rapping career ended years ago. 

Don’t worry about them they feel good.

Too bad If Beale Street could talk wasn’t a hit I would have liked to have seen another adaptation of a James Baldwin novel like Giovanni’s Room. Speaking of black authors when are we going to get a adaptation of The Invisible Man.

See also Mother! from last year a flawed messed up movie but it tried something different. 

Maybe Thom Yorke should have added some made up names to to his songwriting credit. Apparently you have to have a team of three or more songwriters for one song to get nominated. It worked for A Star is Born among others.

Does anyone even like The Fish Fucker movie thank God I saw it for free.