So verybored

The Errol Flynn one is still the best just for the villians and character actors alone.

The fight scene at the church was great plus that adorable pug.

I think she can good for her doing different stuff instead of the usual action/Marvel movies alot of young actresses get after winning a Oscar. But can she handle the accent.

She has come a long way from Peep Show.

No one should ever cover that song. I hate to admit it but that stupid cover is my first exposure to the song. It’s now my second favorite Bowie song after hearing the full version on the album with the same name.

Cute baby Godzillas.

They should do a Gamera movie he can fight Gao’s and his other pals. I really would like to see these characters with kick ass CGI. 

The movie sucks because of the shortage of those cool looking icicle foxes and Black BB8. 

The Invisible Man is perfect for Depp. They can have him stay invisible for most of the movie. 

The Ham and Swiss one is my favorite.

Really want to see the full The Magnificent Abersons I had to read the book to get more details.

They were most likely high when they made those Flesicher ones. Those old Betty Boops were creepy as hell. 

Nathaniel would have fit right in those Beach Party movies from the 60s.

They should have a app like that in real life.  

The first one is basically Jeff Buckley but without his singing ability.

The Bends would like to have a word with you not to mention other ones. 

It also is a good way to catch Archie off guard before he stabs him.

Can they just do a spinoff series with Bear from Person of Interest instead.

Hulu should offer him free McDonald’s for life with his age and health it would not cost them much.

Maybe I'll watch Cave Dwellers again after I watched Ator.