You goddamned bastards.
You goddamned bastards.
Well, swimming.
Track and Field – Men’s Marathon
Girlfriend: There’s like a really annoying roaring sound coming from somewhere.
Oh there you are. Where the fuck is my COTY?
“And here’s the championship question: How far can you punt a football?”
Plus under the First Amendment he couldn’t be prosecuted until they gave him one chance to edit the photo
you read Deadspin and are statistically most likely to be an irritable dad with a law degree
I hate their youth.
Defendant’s Name: Ray Lewis III
How far can you punt a football?
“Maybe I can help explain — ‘Harden’ refers both to the last name of a basketball player, as well as this man’s erection.”
I would love nothing more than for every Deadspin writer to spend 24 hours in the middle of Tampa Bay. Even six minutes would do the trick.
Pat Summit can’t remember things!
Size Pictured: M