
Terrible? All those things you mention was to me, what made the game what it was, EPIC. It felt like a real world and real friends. No game has NEVER made me feel that way about a game, and after many years of gaming, my conclusion is, that streamlining games makes me not care about them.
Yes I played on Nostalrius

Because he cancelled it when Nostalrius closed, not because of this article.

Well, can’t you see that your own answer kinda shows, that having a PC requires way more time than a console? And that was the main discussion.

Okay, lets assume I would go buy a PC. I have absolutely no clue about where to begin to search.
- What kind of computer am i going to need?
- What specs do i need?
- Which parts do i have to upgrade in one year, and then the year after that and so on?
- I have no clue on how to assemble a PC. I would have to look that

Nice thread, i enjoyed reading it through, though I feel like saying this:

RIP my level 42 orc hunter and his pet.