
This is the correct opinion. Heaven forbid people have fun playing a game and earning millions!

I’m sorry, but I enjoy Cam’s joy at playing the game. I’ve seen too many athletes for too long “saying the right things, drinking the vitamins and saying the prayers”. Give me more guys like Cam!

White people: Please. Shut up. Just try to take this one day just to listen. And if it drives you nuts not to dominate the conversation on this one day, think long and hard about why that is.

I will never understand how people seem to think that someone saying "Black lives matter" somehow means "everyone else's life doesn’t" like what kind of mental gymnastics does someone go through to need to shout ALL LIVES MATTER in response?

This hubris of insisting that you know, and claim superior moral connection to, what a dead man would have said or done in response to a modern phenomenon is quite possibly the most arrogant thing it is possible for human kind to do. It is one of the larger reasons why I permanently left christianity.

White people, come get ya people.

I just can’t with these people.

“All lives matter” is the smarmiest, most disingenuous erasure of a movement that malicious and clueless white people could have come up with. To apply this to Dr. King, his work, or his life is almost violent in its untruth. Fuck this parade of assholes in the ear.

Like the bit wherein Chris described his neighbourhood being composed of mediocre rich white people and him, an extraordinarily successful black person, maybe he’ll even actually be listened to by the old white fucks at the Academy who decide these things.

Wait until your husband repeatedly cheats on you without protection and then come talk to me about how much integrity you’ll have, ladies. This man risked her life. He could have passed on serious sexually transmitted diseases which could kill or or render her unable to have children because she wouldn’t know (being

Any “power ranger” created after the first movie doesn’t count, sorry.

Nope. She should say what everyone knows: all whites were nominated, and even in “black” films, only the whites got nominated and that is a fucking shame. No blacks, Latinos, Asians.. nothing. All white, because the fuckign academy is 94% white and mostly white male. And while they are fucking fawning over Leo and

“Then again, let’s ask ourselves how Jennifer Lawrence continues to be acknowledged, regardless of the quality of her work that given year.”

I found pictures of the winners

Why is Jennifer Lawrence nominated for that average performance in a very very average film? She is the “young people” ratings bait. Every fucking year. I’m sure she’ll spew out something quirky about food and being clumsy and “normie” people crap. I am so over it. On the other hand, I’m thrilled to see Mad Max being

Typical Oscars. I’m mean, so I hope Bryan Cranston has a surprise win over Leo.

White white and more white. Disappointing isn’t the word for it.

A bunch of old white people nominating a bunch more white people. Why are The Oscars even still relevant? Literally the most boring award show there is. Even NPH couldn’t save it last year.

This is goddamn fucking ridiculous. I feel like I have deja vu. We JUST ALL BITCHED AT THEM FOR THIS LAST YEAR. And yet here we are again. AGAIN.

Me too, I still get a little teary whenever I think of that night back in 2008