
OVERALL white-on-white rates aren’t higher, every group is about the same in regards to intraracial violence, which is my point. If every group commits crimes against others in their own groups at the same rates, why is there a focus specifically on Black-on-Black crime, when other racial groups commit the same crimes

See also: “There’s no war on women’s bodies, just what’s inside their bodies.”

You look at the data and the research, and there’s a new Harvard study out that shows that there is no racism in the hearts of police officers

Because cops are the most reliable people in the world and never ever would say anything untrue to help a friend get out of trouble. This is the same generation that sends swat teams to peoples houses when tickets go unpaid. all of them need real training and discipline once in a while. not a slap on the wrist over to

I love how white men that claim to live in fear of ‘government tyranny’ and believe that it is righteous to rebel against it are the first ones to insist that all black people should strictly obey every police officer like a submissive dog.

“If she had not disrupted that school,” he said, “disrupted that class, we would not be standing here today.”

So shoot me I did not like Pitch Perfect 2. I thought it was stagey and old hat.

The first one was great, the second was eh. That means the third one will probably suck.

This is what happens when a black guy with too much cheddar encounters a white person with swiss cheese for brains.

Remember folks, if you do nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear from the police.

Black children are always treated like criminals and viewed as adults. Nothing new here.

No keep them out actually. They’ll keep her away, just like garlic.

LOOOOOVE Sephora cream lip stain! I’ve posted this before, but will post again:

This is the stain after a full day at work, including breakfast and lunch. It doesn’t look orange-y on my pale pale pinky skin. Also something in it makes my teeth look whiter, so I think that means it has some blue undertone? Just another vote to try it out!

I hear ya. I’m at the age that if I’m vertical at 3 AM on any given night, something must have gone horribly wrong in the hours leading up to it.

We should all go and cosplay as Vader, Palpatine, stormtroopers, etc. and hold signs like:

He’s actually South African, not French. But yes, cute.

Why do some white Americans think they have SO LITTLE that they desperately cling to everything?

Grr, I hate when the left is described as wanting to erase history. No. We want to stop glorifying objects of hatred and oppression. We are not the ones removing language from textbooks or saying the reason behind the Civil War is states’ rights.