
Oh, it’s <i>exhausting</i>. It’s exhausting. Do you know what’s really exhausting? Being the target of racism and fetishization. Trying to fit into a system that hates you. That’s what’s exhausting. Not being told that your surgery filled lips, your fake “disses and dats,” and your booty tooch poses - when we all have

Without a doubt—but I seriously doubt that you could have as high-level of a discussion with even other WOC with Stenberg’s own access to education (she’s ostensibly a well-to-do, even if not rich, celebrity and actor in Hollywood after all).

Black women straighten their hair is for survival purposes in order to fit into white dominated culture on what beauty standards are for a large part of the population who buys into cultural hegemony. The same can be said of blond hair. What Kylie is doing with her hair on the surface does not seem bad, but she can

Well Done JK!

“We’ll only follow you halfway around the store!”

I teach Mockingbird. I am black and southern. I never thought an Atticus Finch would have had me over for dinner. Yet, I’ve had white students identify with this character and want to believe so badly that they too would be the heroic, bucking the system, society-be-damned progressive during that era. No one wants to

Well, when a particular combo of physical traits can be correlated with success at a specific set of skills, it’s not criticizing a body inappropriately. Sharapova would improve her game if she wasn’t obsessed with maintaining a traditionally feminine body.

“Herein lies the paradox at the heart of Go Set a Watchman, that many white Americans still cannot or will not comprehend: that one can at once believe in the ideal of ‘justice for all’...and yet maintain a deeply ingrained and unexamined notion of racial difference now based in culture as opposed to biology” Former

I am going to insert this quote from the article and say I wholeheartedly agree with you while snort laughing non-stop.

I should also note, the same thing applies when we say that men are somehow more feminine because they dance, or do gymnastics. Disregarding their personal masculinity is also extremely disrespectful in itself.

I can’t see how anyone playing tennis would look like a “Barbie Doll.” The anount of running on average is 3 miles in a match, for competitive tennis players.

Lol, let them seethe. They cannot stand that a black woman is dominating their lily white sport. The fact that she’s not a size 4 is just salt in their wounds.


Uhm, you are metaphorizing slavery and in so doing you’re erasing its specificity. No, being a cog in the machine — in an era better than all previous ones in terms of human rights, physical security, and material wellbeing— is nothing like being an actual slave.

Standing up in a crooked room is precisely what we have to do.

Seriously. The fucking hand-wringing over BBHMM is absurd. It’s not like any of the imagery in and of itself is THAT different from stuff that’s been done before. Gaga/Beyonce in “Telephone” anyone? Oh but RIGHT, because it’s a woman of color perpetrating it against white people everyone starts clutching their pearls.

Hmm, let’s be real on which feminists had the the biggest problem.

Poor Ja Rule. It wasn’t just Ashanti who blew it. Director John Singleton...