
There is no simple answer but here’s what I do know: white people are more likely to take other white people seriously. Call your racist grandfather out (I’m speaking hypothetically, not personally). Call your racist aunt out. Call your racist friend out. They are more likely to listen to you than me because they look

maybe a nitpicky point but i am glad they are focusing on the victims in the news rather than the shooter. he deserves no attention. he is not special. he is a racist murderer that deserves a fair trial and then to be put away for the rest of his life. nothing more.

My guess (and it’s just a guess), is that the reason so many white people or cop defenders are quiet is that the victims of this terrorist attack (I’m calling it what it is) can’t be smeared in any way. These were productive citizens of Charleston, who either had jobs or were retired from their jobs. They were

He summed up how I felt incredibly well. If this had been a terrorist from any other country or of any other race than white who had perpetrated such a heinous act, we’d be preparing to go to war. Instead, since this is a white American, we’re “wondering” what his motives are and whether he was mentally ill.

I’m going to express obvious frustration that probably everyone has on FB.

And people are still blaming what happened to those innocent people on mental illness. White people must be humanized at all costs. Notice that when the police found him, they gave him a vest and didn’t handcuff him. The life of a white man who kills black people has value but the life of a black child who holds a

The Rachel Dolezal costumes have started and the people in them are fucking awful. Prepare for blackface coming soon to your next halloween.

Fuck you! I am so sick and fucking tired of assholes like you. Why don’t you come out your cowardly ass face and say what you mean. You’re a racist asshole who doesn’t see Black people as people and as such don’t care of the police act the fucking fool and brutalize them for no fucking reason. They wanted fucking

The issue is the video wouldn’t exist. No one would have called the police if a white kid didn’t have a bathing suit. That is the point you’re missing here.

Trust me, I won’t. I’ve seen what happens when you call the police for help these days.

This makes me tear up, as a person generally and as a Black woman attorney specifically. That and the fact that my monthly lady time is here. Those two things together are cuing the waterworks.

IT’S ABOUT TIME. This woman did not deserve to be a political pawn.

Sex determination and inheritance are completely different biological processes. They are ruled by different parts of the genetic code. Every human has the capacity to be a different sex in the womb so therefore, a man can be born in a woman’s body and a woman can be born in a mans. Caitlyn Jenner did not choose to be

When black people tell you something rings false, best to take them at their word.

Thank you. Next time remember, when defending Caucasian fuckery, hold your fire until you see the whites of their eyes.

Seriously. If you’re going to lead a double life, make sure you get along with your family.

Hell LOST and the Silmarillion were easier to follow than this woman’s life. And frankly this is far more entertaining.

Just when I thought passing as a black woman in order to benefit from the cultural and political cache of women of color was the quintessential white privilege move....