Not everyone believes that trans-folk are not mentally ill and that the world should change everything to a tiny fraction of the population.
Not everyone believes that trans-folk are not mentally ill and that the world should change everything to a tiny fraction of the population.
For fuck’s sake, this trans shit is getting out of control. What percentage of the population identifies as trans? Why does io9 continue to shove trans-whatever down everyone’s throat?
You sure get to enjoy your freedom of speech, Andrew. Calling them Nazis just because you don’t agree with them? Both sides, right and left, conservative and liberal - all hypocrites.
Yeah, animals can’t read bottles. And even if the bottle didn’t explicitly say don’t use on hair, animals often have common sense.
Stupid gets attention.
What a dumbass. Now she’s gonna get a lawyer and try to sue for 5 billion dollars. I wish companies could countersue on the grounds of stupidity hurting their brand. This idiot should just go away and be glad her fame only lasted 15 minutes.
His language was over the line and totally unprofessional. I agree with him in every sense, but the message could have been better written.
Give her time. Even if she wasn’t abused by him, she’ll jump on the bandwagon. I believe the other women, but she’s just crazy these days.
Find any picture of Marilyn and say out loud “Who, me?”
The world wasn’t ready for it then? The world’s not ready for it now. Most gamers don’t want to see that shit.
I wish this were the case in the USA. I can’t use Star Wars or Marvel likenesses in artwork without risk of CnD letter followed by big fines if I continue. I see some big name cosplayers here in the USA violating copyright all the time at larger cons.
Go. Away. Ray.
The cover got you writing. And writing way more than you should have on a simple cover. Vogue wins today. Maiysha loses.
You first.
Maybe they can pass a SHANAYNAY law to protect the public from the public displays of crazy ass behavior we see in black women in public.
To be fair most phones are stolen by black teenagers. So there you go.
Jealousy is an ugly dress that you wear well, Maria.
Fuck off, Ian. At some point, whether Trump or some other ass in the white house created “the big dumb vanity project”, the Space Force will need to be a thing.
Fuck this. New words being created to assist mental illness rather than try and help those who feel the need to switch genders. One day, decades or hundreds of years from now, someone is going to discover the cause for this mental illness and possibly a cure.
Slow news day, I guess.