I can pull your pants down and whip your ass. I’ll whip the stupid right out of you. Big time. Bring it to me. Bring me your lily white ass and bend over.
I can pull your pants down and whip your ass. I’ll whip the stupid right out of you. Big time. Bring it to me. Bring me your lily white ass and bend over.
Did you even read my comments? Plus that just isn’t true. Students can and do show up giving the teacher a hard time. Teachers or not paid enough or qulified to endure abuse, violence or bullying by students and really should not be expected to put up with the result of bad parenting. Students should show up and…
I was referencing a book written by two black men, Comply Now, Contest Later, not white authors. Check out the book yourself: http://www.survivethepolice.com/Home/AboutBook
First of all, that is NOT why she resisted. The cop was an incorrect solution to the students unacceptable behavior. I have said over and over in my comments that cops don’t belong in schools, that this is a school discipline problem, period. School should have a protocol which should be something like call a parent…
Wow, assuming alot, hating entire regions, bossing people, suggesting that people should commit suicide. You are a real winner, bet your life is great and you are real happy with it. Way to be a winner!
Well check out the actual book, I was just referencing it. http://www.survivethepolice.com/Home/AboutBook
What about any of my comments suggests that I think a teenager should be assaulted by a cop or any adult? My comments over and over say that cops should not be in schools. That they are not qualified to discipline children in schools at all, that they don’t belong their unless a real crime is committed, that this girl…
LOL. That teenager would eat you alive.
You better watch that sass. I will pull your pants down and whip your ass real quick.
I think the main concern is that is there proof that he knew he had it and intentionally spread it? We need better STI education. I just googled chalmydia and its easily treatable! Why wouldn’t he just get treated if he knew he had it? I know I have had free tests when I visit the doctor because my city has high rates…
It really is the responsibility of both partners to use protection. Even using protection and getting tested regularly there are still risks if you choose to have sex, which everyone should choose when they want. It is oppressive to suggest that women should remain celibate or rely on other adults to always provide…
The majority of people do follow the social norms and what is expected and that is how society functions, period. Alot of children and adults go through trauma, divorce, abuse, etc., and don’t use that as an excuse to abuse and disrespect teachers, students, administrators. It just isn’t acceptable in a society to do…
Not really. Cops should just not be at schools at all unless their is crime. Cops are trained to fight crime and not to discipline in schools. Schools administration needs to have proactive policies in place to deal with childrens discipline issues. That includes preapproved policies and procedures to deal with this…
First of all I didn’t say I was white so please check yourself. I was pointing out that if you comply you have a chance. While I don’t believe in violence being used at all, even if the people are not complying, the videos of adults dying that I have seen are people who are not complying. The book I mentioned and alot…
Very true but I think his theory is that you have a better chance, and you do.
Exactly! Th only crime here was them trying to buy a Rolex. Why support that type of business. That is the biggest white supremacy BS, a $20k watch to keep more old white men on top. Brilliant!
This brilliant!!!!!!
just call the parent and suspend them. That is not a teachers or cops responsibility. The girl has mental health issues.
Call a parent or guardian, have a meeting explaining why they are suspended / expelled if it happened prior. Have the guardian talk to the student on the cell phone to at least get them out or to come check the student out immediately. I am sure this is not the first time she has had a problem, she is probably a…
Most people are going to have the same answer, their kid wouldn’t do this. It is just unacceptable. The other parents should be pissed that students like this steal their own children’s educations with repeated disruptions. Now, should cops be in schools? Absolutely not. Her guardian should have been called and she…