Is This Because I'm A Lesbian?

yeah, it’s that thing —

It was not true at the time and hadn’t been in most states for decades.

Alongside white nationalists

I guess you could say they’re Scientology’s LAPDogs.

Did everyone see the other day when his publicist was caught on tape saying that since he was in a relationship with one of the women who accused him that it couldn’t have been rape?

it’s possible to see some positive intent with the Times’ piece, but it seems to rely on the assumption that everybody reading it already knows that white supremacists are toxic shitheads, so the condemnation of this guy’s rancid politics can be taken as read.

You’re consistent, I’ll give you that. I’m not a sociologist, so I don’t care what the sociological definition is (and I doubt it stays the same for very long). Normal English is good enough for me.

I hope the Heyer family doesn’t waste time and money on a lawsuit that they will lose.

This is where I get tripped up, because among the trappings of whiteness to me is a sense of cultural connectedness and legacy, which I’m not eager to give up. Maybe I’d feel differently if it felt like everyone else was giving up their cultural legacy and identities to form a greater human whole, but instead it feels

If racism needs to be “systemic”, no person could be racist. That’s a bullshit definition.

Understanding is important. Treating Nazism as a mystical, ineffable, inexplicable phenomenon doesn’t do anyone any good.


My dad was a KKK member, and probably the most charming person you would ever meet. I spent a brief period trying to understand him, decided it wasn’t worth it, and haven’t spoken to him since.

But I was inoculated from early exposure. This shit is new to a lot of people - it’s always been there, like a cyst, but most

He’s not being normalized, he is normal. That’s the banality of evil. The Nazis were normal people and the Stalinists were normal people. Anyone can fall prey to ideology and commit atrocities. Far better to read about them now, but now the mere act of covering these people is viewed as an endorsement. This is not how

“Why are you so obsessed with understanding these vile assholes? Is it cause you know or are related to people a degree or three removed from them?”

“At this rate I’m sure the presidential candidate they’ll put up in a few cycles will be an overweight, black, crippled dyke with dyslexia”

National Socialism was always beloved in America until Pearl Harbor. The business class and the upper middle class thought Hitler was swell, a less Eye-talian version of Mussolini, there to make Germany orderly like under the Kaiser, and if people wound up in “jail” for not going along with it, tough shit. Try to find